Modern History

The Inter-University Programme in Modern History of the University of Cantabria and the Autonomous University of Madrid offers a common space suitable for highly qualified research training and the culmination of the Thesis in the field of Modern History. The collaboration with Spanish and international academic institutions guarantees the development of a range of training activities that facilitate the completion of the Doctoral Thesis in the best conditions, as well as optimising the results of the research carried out, thanks to the debate and participation in national and international scientific forums, particularly through the agreements signed with academic institutions highly specialised in the research of the societies of the Modern Age.
The main thematic focus of the Inter-University Doctoral Programme is Powers and Societies in the Ancien Régime. Specifically, the basic research problem is the history of power in all its forms within the spheres of Modern History, paying particular attention to the known developments in the Iberian empires, within the overall history of Modern Age societies.
Research lines:
- Monarchy and Empire, Political Culture, and Identities.
- Urban History: City, Power and Society.
- Court society: Power, Religion and Culture.
Degree Official Documentation:
Monitoring and Quality
Facts & Figures (Programme data at the UAM)