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Economía y Empresa

Programa de Doctorado en Economía y Empresa

The main objective of the Doctoral Program in Economics and Business is the formation of highly qualified professionals who conduct research in the general fields of Economics and Business, working in institutes or research centers, as well as in companies where they may improve or generate economical and business related innovation processes.

A distinctive feature of the research at the faculty is the balance between a scientific foundation and its practical application in business and economics. On the one hand, we conduct research on socio-economic phenomena with a distinctive academic approach based on scientific methods, which are highly recognized. On the other hand, the research topics are not merely speculative, but are applicable to the economic and business world. The research is specifically aimed at solving real problems in economics and business. Consequently, the Faculty’s strength in research are its high applicability to reality and its continuous transfer to the market and society. This approach has led to a close cooperation with companies and economic institutions and has created beneficial synergies for research.

In conclusion, the main objective of the PhD in Economics and Business is to train people capable of contributing to the extension of the frontiers of knowledge and opting for a job that requires a PhD, like postdoctoral researcher, university professor, researcher in institutes or companies, and in other employment areas that require leadership, creativity and management.



Research lines:

  •    Account and financial analysis of economic and business reality
  •    Marketing and Business Administration
  •    Economic Analysis and Public Policies
  •    Integration, Development and Social and Public Economics
  •    Applied Modelization in Economic and Business Systems. Knowledge and Innovation Management



Degree Official Documentation:



Facts & Figures

Facts and Figures 1
Facts and Figures 1
Facts and Figures 1
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