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Activity document, annual assesment and evaluation


In the periods established in the academic calendar, the doctoral student and the director will upload their respective reports which, together with the activities document, will constitute the basis for the evaluation of the tutorship.



  • 1st call: Delivery of reports until July 31, 2024. Evaluation by the Academic Commission of the Program, until September 5, 2024.

    Closing of records: September 9, 2024.

  • 2nd call: Delivery of reports until January 30, 2025. Evaluation by the Academic Commission of the Program, until February 11, 2025.

    Closing of records: February 13, 2025.

If the Academic Committee deems it appropriate, it may request the presence of the doctoral student, the director or co-director, or the tutor for an interview with the aim of clarifying aspects related to the development of the thesis.

The report of the Academic Committee will include whether the evaluation is positive or negative for the purpose of qualifying the doctoral student's enrollment. In the case of a negative evaluation, the reasons will be justified in the report.

The coordinator of the doctoral program will transfer the evaluation of the Academic Committee so that it is recorded in the doctoral file in the terms of Positive or Negative.