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Academic Commitee Approval - 2024

EDUAM Steering Committee has approved a new procedure, which uses Sigma as a repository of the documentation associated with the process. All necessary documents can be found in the Download section of this page. here  you can download a document with a detailed explanation of the procedure that is shortly presented down below:


After finishing writing your thesis document, and always before the maximum deposit date (which appears on Sigma), PhD candidates must:

1. Upload to Sigma (on the tab Tercer ciclo/Plan de investigación)

  • A copy of the thesis in open electronic format (pdf) which must be later validated/accepted by the Supervisor.
  • Personalized activities document.
  • Final report of the thesis (if it has not been previously uploaded for the evaluation of the current academic year in which you are enrolled), which must be validated/accepted by the Supervisor.
  • The additional complementary documents established by the current UAM procedures for theses presented as a compendium of publications, theses written in languages other than the official ones at the UAM, with an international doctorate mention, industrial doctorate mention, doctoral thesis co-supervision, or theses affected by confidentiality/data protection processes.
  • A proposal for the thesis evaluation panel.
  •  If there is more than one member of the panel external to the Community of Madrid, the proposal will be accompanied by a co-funding commitment).


2.Send an email to doctorado.gestion@uam.es attaching the request for authorization of deposit and defense, with the signatures of the Thesis Supervisor (director) and Personal Supervisor (tutor).

Each director (or tutor) must write and upload to Sigma a motivated final report, stating the results of the evaluation of the thesis (if it has not been previously uploaded for the ordinary evaluation of the academic year).

Once the application has been received, the Academic Committee of the Doctoral Program will evaluate the documentation uploaded to Sigma and will:

• Evaluate the current academic year enrolled, if requested.

• Evaluate the doctoral thesis following the specific criteria foreseen in each PhD Program, and may request modifications to be made, necessary for authorization.

• Evaluate the proposal of the panel submitted to Sigma.

As a result of the evaluation by the Academic Committee, and on behalf of the Academic Committee, the coordinator will  

• Inform the EDUAM Administration Office of the result of the evaluation of the current academic year (if applicable).

If the result is favorable, the EDUAM administration will inform thePhD candidate of the result of his/her application, so that he/she can proceed to apply for the deposit.