Física de la Materia Condensada, Nanociencia y Biofísica

The Official Doctorate Programme in Condensed Matter Physics, Nanoscience and Biophysics is an inter-university programme offered jointly by the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM, coordinator institution), the Universidad de Murcia and the Universidad de Oviedo. Within UAM both the Department of Condensed Matter Physics and the Department of Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics participate in it.
Condensed Matter Physics currently represents the most active area of Physics in terms of scientific production, concentrating the largest number of researchers internationally. It is a very broad field that encompasses the study of a great variety of systems, from crystalline solids, amorphous, liquids, colloids, etc. of a large interest both fundamentally and due to their wide-ranging practical applications with a high economic value. The rapid advance of its characteristic techniques, experimental as well as theoretical, has resulted in an extension of its scope and the establishment of links with other areas of science ranging from Nanotechnology to Biology. This Doctorate Programme, with a strong interdisciplinary1 character, explores the connections and synergies existing between those fields, allowing to extend the experimental and simulation techniques originally developed within the physics realm to the characterization of biological systems. In turn, the study of living organisms is a powerful source of inspiration for the design of nanostructures.
The intense research activity of the Departments participating in the Programme, together with the tight collaborations existing with diverse research institutes situated within the campus, including the Institute of Condensed Matter Physics (IFIMAC-UAM), the Institute of Materials Science “Nicolás Cabrera” (INC-UAM), the Madrid Institute of Materials Science (ICMM-CSIC), the Madrid Institute of Advanced Studies in Nanoscience (IMDEA-Nanociencia) and the National Biotechnology Centre (CNB-CSIC), provide the perfect environment for the realization of PhD thesis of the highest quality.
Research lines
- Biophysics and Statistical Physics of Complex Systems.
- Experimental Characterization Techniques for Molecular, Nanoscopic and Biological Systems.
- Physical Properties of Molecular, Nanoscopic and Biological Systems.
- Surface Physics (Characterization, Structuring, Functionalisation and Interaction with Atoms).
- Nanoplasmonics, Nanoelectronics and Quantum Optics.
- Physical Properties of Materials at Low Temperatures (Superconductivity, Superfluidity).
- Theory and Simulation in Condensed Matter (Biological Structures, Disordered Systems, Nanostructures, etc.)
Members of the Academic Committee
Degree Official Documentation
- Verification memory
- Verification resolution
- Accreditation renewal resolution
- Link to the registry of Universities, Centers and Degrees
Monitoring and Quality
Facts & Figures