Initial Research and Training Plan (PIFP)
Before the given deadline stablished in the Academic Calendar (see Downloads area), and always within the first six months of enrollment, every PhD student must prepare a document that includes a research plan and a personal training plan (PIFP).
- The research plan will include at least the methodology to be used and the objectives to be achieved, as well as the means and time planning to achieve it.
- The personal training plan of the doctoral student will contain a forecast of the different training activities that will be developed during the doctoral thesis (courses, seminars, mobility actions, etc.).
The doctoral student will upload the initial Research and Personal Training Plan document in Sigma ( tab "Plan de Investigación"), attaching the corresponding document (see download area).
As many versions of the Plan as needed may be attached until the acceptance date set by the Supervisor (Tutor/Director) appears. From that moment on, that version can only be consulted.
If the Research and Personal Training Plan is not acceptable or requires any modification, the Academic Committee must indicate this to the doctoral student within the evaluation period immediately after its delivery and always within six months after the period in which he or she enrolled.
Throughout the research trajectory, new versions of its evolution that improve it or provide details may be posted in the Research Plan tab; always endorsed by the director, and by the tutor.
See_ Instructions for attaching the Research Plan, Training activities and Annual Reports
Ethical implications
Once the document with the Research Plan has been completed and with the collaboration of the director, the questionnaire on ethical implications associated with it must be completed (download area); When necessary (if any of the answers to questions A-F is affirmative) this must be signed by all the parties involved, and sent (along with the rest of the documentation indicated there) by email to comite.eticainvestigacion@uam.es for evaluation by the University Research Ethics Committee.
- Research Plan [270KB]
- Research Plan (Word) [86KB]
- Manual del doctorando/a: subir a Sigma Plan Investigación y Formación Personal [640KB]
- Tutor/Director Manual: validate PIFP [872KB]
- Calendario Académico y de Matrícula de Doctorado 2024/2025 [357KB]
- Calendario Académico y de Matrícula de Doctorado 2025/2026 [1MB]
- Cuestionario sobre Implicaciones éticas asociadas al Plan de Investigación [345KB]