PhD Activity Document
From enrollment to the deposit of the thesis, all the activities of the PhD student must be recorded in an individualized document generated in the SIGMA platform.
The application will show automatically the activities offered by the program, which will have been registered according to the program's verification report.
The PhD student will have to report in the computer application of Third Cycle Management Sigma every Activities that he/she carries out during the Doctoral Program.
See Instructions for doctoral students enrolled in the Doctoral Programs of RD 99/2011 ( Manual of the Third Cycle Sigma computer application for the monitoring of their research activity by doctoral students):
- For this purpose, the doctoral student will be able to register the specific activities that he/she considers convenient to propose for his/her research training, or those that have been indicated by his/her Supervisor (Tutor/Director).
- The activities proposed by the PhD student must be authorized by his/her Supervisor (Tutor/Director), who will periodically review the activity documents of the student.
- The Activities Document will state the revision status of each activity, which may be: Propuesta (Proposed) / Aceptada (Accepted) / No aceptada (Not accepted) / Completada (Completed).
The application will show automatically the activities offered by the program, which will have been registered according to the program's verification report.
The PhD student will have to report in the computer application of Third Cycle Management Sigma every Activities that he/she carries out during the Doctoral Program.
See Instructions for doctoral students enrolled in the Doctoral Programs of RD 99/2011 ( Manual of the Third Cycle Sigma computer application for the monitoring of their research activity by doctoral students):
- For this purpose, the doctoral student will be able to register the specific activities that he/she considers convenient to propose for his/her research training, or those that have been indicated by his/her Supervisor (Tutor/Director).
- The activities proposed by the PhD student must be authorized by his/her Supervisor (Tutor/Director), who will periodically review the activity documents of the student.
- The Activities Document will state the revision status of each activity, which may be: Propuesta (Proposed) / Aceptada (Accepted) / No aceptada (Not accepted) / Completada (Completed).