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Poster exhibition

The coordinator of each Academic Committee will select the applicant that will represent each one of the programs, will be exhibited from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Plaza Mayor building at UAM.

PhD Students selected within each program to show their poster must fulfill the following document: Abstract poster template, following the instructions reflected on it, so their proposal can be included in the Book of UAM PhD Week (only in digital, there will be no printed version). The document, in pdf format, must be sent (before May 17h) to doctorado.gestion@uam.es, with the subject "Semana de Doctorado: resumen del póster"

Participation in this activity will be certified, and may be included in the activity document of PhD students.

General instructions

Please find below the basic information to consider:

  • Recommended size for the poster: DIN A1 (approximate measurements 59,4 x 84,1 cm). It is the size that guarantees that all the posters can be displayed in the space provided.
  • From Monday 20th May, you can print your posters (providing a .pdf file adjust to A1 size) in Canon at Plaza Mayor building at UAM, from 9:00 to 12:00. Only posters sent before May 17th will be cleared for printing.  
  • For already printed posters that are larger, they can be presented as long as they do not exceed DIN A0 size (84.1 x 118.9 cm). Since the number of spaces for these larger posters is limited, it is necessary to request authorization from the organizing committee (semana.doctorado@uam.es) before May 21st to ensure availability.
  • The design of the poster (language, font type and size, spacing, etc.) is free.


Displaying of the posters: on the 31st May 2024 from 9:30 a.m.   PhD students who exhibit posters are expected to be available for consultations during the scheduled exhibition hours (between 10:00 a.m. and 12:30 p.m.)

Best Poster Award

Among the posters that participate in the exhibition, the five best posters according to visitors will be awarded 300€ (first prize), 200€ (second prize) and 100€ ( three second prizes)

The bases for this prize can be downloaded here and in Download section of this page.

Winners wil be published (and awarded with a diploma) at 14:00, after the Closing ceremony (at Sala Polivalente in Plaza Mayor building at UAM.) You can see the results in the "Download" section.