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Authorization of the Academic Commitee

Once the doctoral thesis has been completed and before the deadline which appears in the Third Sigma Cycle ("fecha máxima de finalización de tesis"), the doctoral student must:



  1. Upload to Sigma (Third cycle/research plan tab)


  • A file of the thesis in open electronic format (to be subsequently validated/accepted by the tutor).
  • Extract the digital fingerprint of the thesis document
  • Personalised activities document.
  • Final report of the thesis (if it has not been previously uploaded for the yearly evaluation), which must be validated/accepted by the supervisor/tutor.
  • A proposal for the thesis assessment panel/commitee.
  • If there is more than one member of the examining board from outside the Region of Madrid, the proposal must be accompanied by a co-funding commitment.
  • Any additional complementary documents established by the current UAM procedures for theses presented as a compendium of publications, theses written in languages other than the official languages of the UAM, with an international doctorate mention, industrial doctorate mention, doctoral thesis co-supervision, or theses affected by confidentiality/data protection processes.


  1. Upload the application for authorisation for deposit and defence, with the signatures of the directors and tutor, to the Registry located at the EDUAM (Cantoblanco campus), to the General Registry of the UAM (Rectorate building) or through the Common Electronic Registry of the Administration (Registro Electrónico Común de la Administración General del Estado)
    • a) The summary of the thesis, in Spanish and English, including key words.
    • b). Declaration of ethical commitment and originality of the thesis.
    • c). Form relating to the transfer of rights for the dissemination of the thesis in open access.


  2. Each supervisor (or tutor) must write and upload to Sigma (tab ‘Research Plan’) a motivated final report, setting out the results of the assessment of the thesis (if it has not been previously uploaded for the ordinary evaluation).


  3. Once the application has been received, EDUAM will forward it to the Academic Committee of the Doctoral Programme


  4. The Academic Committee will assess the documentation uploaded to Sigma and:
    • Grade the final year in advance, if has been requested,
    • Grade the doctoral thesis according to the specific criteria foreseen in each programme, and may request modifications to be made, if necessary for authorisation.
    • Evaluate the proposal for the  thesis assessment panel/commitee submitted to Sigma.
    • (from 1st October 2024) It will identify two experts from outside the programme, who will be asked to issue a report on the thesis. These reports will be taken into account in the overall assessment by the Academic Committee.


  5. As a result of the evaluation by the Academic Committee, and on behalf of the same, the coordinator:
    • Will inform EDUAM of the result of the evaluation of the last year


If the result is favourable, the EDUAM administration will inform the PhD student of the result of their application, so that they can proceed to apply for the deposit.
