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Authorization of the Academic Commitee

Before proceeding with the deposit of the thesis, PhD candidates need to get the approval of their Thesis Supervisor/s and the Academic Commitee of their PhD Programme.

Current procedure (expected validity until July 2024)


Once the thesis is finished, it will be necessary to submit the following documentation for its final evaluation and authorization by the Academic Committee of the PhD Programme:

A copy of the thesis in open electronic format (pdf).

Document of activities of the doctoral student.

Motivated report of the Thesis Supervisor(s) indicating the results of the assessment of the thesis and expressly endorsing its presentation to public defense. In the case of doctors not linked to the PhD Programme, the Personal Supervisor (tutor) must provide a reasoned ratification of the thesis report.

A proposed thesis evaluation panel. This proposal will include 5 or 7 doctors, experts in the field. Their research experience of the proposed members has to be supported with publications in the scientific, technical, humanistic, artistic or equivalent field.

If there is more than one member of the panel from outside the Community of Madrid, the proposal will be accompanied by a co-financing commitment.

The additional complementary documents that establish the current procedures for thesis presented as a compendium of publications, thesis written in languages ​​other than the official ones at the UAM, PhD with international mention, Industrial doctorate, joint supervision of doctoral thesis, or affected theses by confidentiality/data protection processes.

After every document gets approved by the Academic Commitee you can start the Deposit of the thesis


New procedure, 2024


The EDUAM Steering Committee has approved a new procedure, which uses Sigma as a repository of the documentation associated with the process. Until July 2024 it will coexist with the current procedure, so both are valid. You can find the instructions for this new procedure here