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The Doctoral Student Commitee is a representative body that works within the structure of the UAM Doctorate School to represent and defend the interests of doctorate students. It is composed of one representative from each Doctorate Programme in the UAM, each of whom is elected by the doctorate students in the Programme from among them (Updated after elections 2024).

Representatives of doctoral students:



Marina Tomás Martín, DP Ecology

Vice chairwoman

Nuria Fernández Huetos, DP in Education


Jorge Aparicio Pacheco, DP in Hispanic Studies, Language, Literature, History and Thought 


Fátima Álvarez Sánchez, DP in Health and Clinic Psychology

Laura Blanco Cabello, DP in Applied Chemistry

Beatriz de Santos Alonso, DP in Organic Chemistry

Francisco Javier Fernández Alonso, DP in Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology 

Pablo Estévez Alonso, DP in Theoretical Chemistry and Computer Modeling 

Irene Pérez Moreno, DP in Biology

Candela Pino Rosón, DP in Epidemiology and Public Health

Andrés Roca Medina, DP in Human Sciences: Geography, Anthropology and African and Asian Studies. 

Cristina Rodríguez Prada, DP in Psychology

Margarita Sánchez González, DP in Law and Public Policies

Alba Taboada Villamarín, DP in Economicas and Business


The rest of the DP have not elected a representative.


Minutes of the Council of Representatives of Doctoral Students