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Study Abroad

Application procedure

Proposals for tailor-made courses must be approved by the centres and sent to the Study Abroad at UAM Office. They must also receive a favourable report from the Internationalisation Committee.

Once they have received a favourable report, the applications will be sent to the Postgraduate Studies and Lifelong Learning Committee or the Lifelong Learning Subcommittee, as the case may be, from the Vice-Rector's Office for Internationalisation.

For newly created tailor-made courses, the C.F.C. forms (academic proposal and budget) must be filled in and available on the C.F.C. website:

In the case of renewal, the academic report and the financial statement of the previous edition must also be submitted

Protocolo Cursos a Medida Study Abroad

Protocolo Cursos a Medida Study Abroad English Version


Study Abroad at UAM - Location and opening hours

Head of Study Abroad at UAM: Anjouli Janzon (

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