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Study Abroad

Español para Extranjeros / Spanish Language & Culture

If you have an intermediate level of Spanish (A2.2 or B1), sign up before June 9th!

In this intensive course you will:

  • Focus on tricky grammar points
  • Learn everyday expressions
  • Use communicative strategies
  • Visit the Reina Sofia Museum
  • Navigate the markets and tourist points of Madrid 
  • Earn 4 ECTS


"Early Summer Edition": 26 May - 20 June, 2025

"Summer Edition": 23 June - 18 July, 2025

Course fee: 800 €

Course fee for UAM students: 720 €                   

For more information, please contact


Study Abroad Application Form


Study Abroad at UAM - Location and opening hours

Head of Study Abroad at UAM: Anjouli Janzon (

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