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22/06/21. ENOHE Webinar: How to set up an Ombuds office


Organized by ENOHE, the European Network of Ombuds in Higher Education.

  • Wed, 22 June 2021
  • 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm UTC+2
  • Online Event (Web access to Zoom 5.0)

The 49 higher education ministers of the Council of Europe countries or their representatives have recently approved the Rome Communique of 19 November 2020. In their statement, the ministers recognize the importance of safeguarding student rights through legislation. They committed themselves to developing and supporting in their respective national systems dedicated measures and structures, such as student ombudspersons or similar solutions that already exist in many countries. They also committed themselves to enabling such arrangements within their countries and higher education systems and will encourage cooperation within the European Network of Ombuds in Higher Education (ENOHE).

This webinar is a forum for everybody interested in or involved in the ombudsman idea. Participants are invited to share and compare their experiences. It is an opportunity to learn from our speakers and each other, and network with and generate ideas from already practicing colleagues from countries in and beyond Europe.