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University Institute of Education Sciences



Research at the IUCE addresses the times fraught with difficulty in the history of Education, tackles current challenges in contemporary education and is conducted within the framework of actions undertaken in our neighbouring countries.

Globalisation of educational challenges has led to paying particular attention in recent years to the study of competency-based teaching and learning. Competency has become a common educational goal in European education systems, both at non-university education levels and at the Higher education level, due to the establishment of the European Key Competency Framework in the European Union. At the IUCE, the study of competency-based education is focused on conditions, strategies and outcomes in competency-based teaching, and also on the competency-based learning process. Also, the technological development has paved the way for new modes of building, managing and acquiring knowledge that have thus exerted a great impact on education.  The effect of ICT on teaching and learning is analysed by IUCE experts. This analysis takes into account the European Digital Competence Framework for Citizens, the European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators and the European Framework for Digitally-Competent Educational Organisations. Also, analyses are performed on learning in formal and informal settings, that explore intellectual, affective and motivational aspects of learning.

In the second place, IUCE’s education research is linked to innovation proposals in educational issues that are informed by research evidence, as introduced in the Innovation section.

Thirdly, the research conducted at IUCE feeds directly into the teacher education programmes that are designed, delivered and/or evaluated in our institution. This commitment to promoting evidence-informed teacher education has remained a steadfast feature of IUCE since its inception to the present day, and ensures that insights from IUCE research are embedded in all our teacher education courses and activities.

Fourthly, research at IUCE is also aimed at informing the education consultancy that is provided for diverse educational agents.  Interaction with other educational agents may reveal pressing educational challenges that are inspiring for setting IUCE researchers new research goals.

The IUCE’s research community comprises both postdoctoral experts and subject specialists from a wide variety of disciplines who develop competitive strands of research, being engaged in both national and international projects that are related to diverse aspects of Education. Our research community helps undertake  rigorous research to address pressing challenges in diverse areas of education research.

This collaborative framework is shaped into particular thematic strands of research.



Centro de Estudios de Posgrado Building

C/ Francisco Tomás y Valiente, 2

Ciudad Universitaria de Cantoblanco

28049 Madrid

Telephone: +34 91 497 40 49

The University Institute of Education Sciences (IUCE) is located at Centro de Estudios de Posgrado building. The premises are near both the Commuter train station at Cantoblanco and the bus stop at UAM.

Location map of IUCE