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University Institute of Education Sciences

The Present-day IUCE

In May 2002, under the auspices of Consejería de Educación (Department of Education) of Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid (Madrid regional government), Instituto Universitario de Ciencias de la education (IUCE), the University Institute of Education Sciences, was founded at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, pursuant to Decree 76/2002, of 9 May. The UAM UICE is built upon the ICE’s existing capabilities and retains ICE’s distinguishing features, thus becoming a centre engaged in education research and graduate taught. The IUCE has adapted the ICE’s former nature and structure to be responsive to contemporary educational challenges that give rise to pressing needs in teacher training and education research.

The ongoing activities carried out at IUCE in recent decades have been progressively reshaped in order to be adapted to latest changes in society, and specially in education. Thus, this adaptation has resulted in a shift in IUCE’s research priorities and teacher-training strategies. Also, particular emphasys is given to strands of action focused on education innovation, as stated both in the latest Strategic plans, and in the IUCE’s new Interim Rules and Regulations, according to Decision by the Governing Board of 18 June 2021.

The IUCE is in the present day a centre engaged in education research and innovation, consultancy in all educational matters, and in delivering continual professional development courses and graduate taught. At lUCE, education is conceived as the drive for social change and our work is thus guided by a concern for helping reduce social inequities. In this light, and in compliance with the 2030 Agenda, the IUCE links its goals to the thorough fulfilment of human rights, peace, sound exercice of local and global citizenship, gender equality, sustainable development, and health at all phases of the education system.

For fullest goal accomplishment, the IUCE, being a multidisciplinary centre, may foster collaboration across departments of faculties at UAM and other universities, and with public and private institutions, domestic or abroad.