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University Institute of Education Sciences


Quiénes somos

Instituto Universitario de Ciencias de la Educación (IUCE), the University Institute of Education Sciences, is the UAM centre for education research, education innovation and consultancy, and provider of continual professional development for teachers and graduate taught.

At lUCE, education is conceived as the drive for social change and our work is guided by a concern for helping reduce social inequities.



Centro de Estudios de Posgrado Building

C/ Francisco Tomás y Valiente, 2

Ciudad Universitaria de Cantoblanco

28049 Madrid

Telephone: +34 91 497 40 49

The University Institute of Education Sciences (IUCE) is located at Centro de Estudios de Posgrado building. The premises are near both the Commuter train station at Cantoblanco and the bus stop at UAM.

Location map of IUCE