Institutional activity
Acto "War in Ukraine: what are we fighting for" - 16 de septiembre de 2022, 12h | Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
Russian full-scale unprovoked aggression against Ukraine ended 70 years of peace in Europe. It has already destroyed millions of Ukrainian lives, and put the whole continent in nuclear danger. Can we give the aggressor what he wants to stop him? What is worth to live for, to die for and to fight for in the 21st century in Europe. Ukrainians have their own answer, which goes back to the fundamental values of Europe and helps to shape their modern understanding.
- PONENTE: Svitlana Khyliuk - Associate Professor of Theory of Law and Human Rights Department (Ukrainian Catholic University)
- DÍA: 16 de Septiembre de 2022
- HORA: 12:00h
- LUGAR: Salón de Actos de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
- INVITACIÓN: Vicerrectorado de Internacionalización + Área de Derecho Penal de la Facultad de Derecho.
Svitlana Khyliuk is Professor of Law and the Head of the Law School at Ukrainian Catholic University (Lviv, Ukraine). Svitlana obtained her master’s degree in law and PhD degree from Ivan Franko National University in Lviv. She has been teaching Criminal Law and Human Rights since 2004 at Ukrainian universities and as a guest lecturer at Annual International School on topical issues of human rights (organized by OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine), universities of the Netherlands, Poland, Spain etc. She was a legal expert of the Council of Europe Project “Supporting Institutions to Combat Ill-Treatment in Ukraine”, USAID New Justice program. Currently, prof. Khyliuk runs the Law School at Ukrainian Catholic University (Lviv, Ukraine). Also, she is a legal expert of the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine, US Department of Justice. Svitlana Khyliuk is a member of the Academic-Advisory Board of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, Academic-Advisory Board of the Supreme Court of Ukraine, Academic-Methodical Council of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine.
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