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Codonoblepharonteae, a new major lineage among Orthotrichoideae (Orthotrichaceae, Bryophyta)


Codonoblepharonteae, a new major lineage among Orthotrichoideae (Orthotrichaceae, Bryophyta)

New paper published in Plants by one of the CIBC research teams (Aguado-Ramsay et al., 2022) proposes the new tribe Codonoblepharonteae to accommodate Codonoblepharon.

Arbol filogenético con la nueva propuesta taxonómica

Consensus phylogenetic tree obtained from Bayesian Inference analysis with a combined matrix including ITS2, rps4, trnG, and trnL-F molecular markers

Orthotrichoideae aggregates epiphytic mosses widespread throughout temperate regions and high tropical mountains of the world. Recently, important advances have been made in elucidating its phylogenetic relationships and evolutionary patterns. Fourteen genera are currently recognized within the subfamily, which are spread over two main tribes: Orthotricheae, comprising Orthotrichinae and Lewinskyinae, and Zygodonteae. Despite the progress, some groups have received little attention, as is the case of genus Codonoblepharon. Recent studies have suggested that this genus may represent a separate lineage from Zygodonteae, in which it traditionally has been considered.

However, none of the studies were conclusive as they did not include a representative sampling of the Codonoblepharon species.

This work aims to evaluate the taxonomic position of Codonoblepharon and its phylogenetic relationships within Orthotrichoideae. For this purpose, we present an updated phylogenetic tree based on four different loci, one belonging to the nuclear genome (ITS2) and the rest to the plastid genome (rps4, trnG and trnL-F). The phylogenetic reconstruction recovers all samples of Codonoblepharon in a monophyletic group, sister to the rest of the subfamily, constituting a lineage independent of the two currently recognized tribes. For this reason, we propose the new tribe Codonoblepharonteae to accommodate Codonoblepharon.


Aguado-Ramsay P, Draper I, Garilleti R, Flagmeier M, Lara F. Codonoblepharonteae, a New Major Lineage among Orthotrichoideae (Orthotrichaceae, Bryophyta). Plants. 2022; 11(24):3557.