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Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y EmpresarialesFacultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales


Study Plan


First term (22 ECTS):                                                              

  • Mathematical Methods in Economics (M, 4 ECTS)
  • Advanced Macroeconomics: Numerical Methods (M, 4 ECTS)
  • Microeconomics: Decision Theory (M, 4 ECTS)
  • Economic Time Series (M, 4 ECTS)
  • Introduction to Computational Economics (M, 2 ECTS)
  • Introduction to Machine Learning in Economics and Finance (M, 4 ECTS)


Second term (20 ECTS): (Choose one of the optional courses)       

  • Macroeconomic Modeling (M, 4 ECTS)
  • Competition Economics (M, 4 ECTS)
  • Microeconometrics (M, 4 ECTS)
  • An Introduction to Economic Big Data (M, 4 ECTS)
  • International Economics and Finance (O, 4 ECTS)
  • Quantitative Methods in Macroeconomic Analysis and Forecasting Business Cycles (O, 4 ECTS)
  • Social and Economic Networks (O, 4 ECTS)


Third term (18 ECTS):                                                                                                                                                                                                        

  • Master's Thesis  (M, 12 ECTS)
  • Professsional Profile

Internship (O, 6 ECTS)

  • Research profile

Stochastic calculus and quantitative finance (O, 3 ECTS)

Topics Economics (O, 3 ECTS)


During the third term, students can choose to do an internship in a first level company or public institution (professional track), or take two specialized subjects (research track). The number of internship offers largely depends on economic and labor market conditions. As firms and institutions select candidates from the pool of applicants and all apply their own selection criteria, the master cannot, a priori, guarantee that every student who would like to do an internship will find one.

Description of the program

Teaching method: On-site lectures.

Timetable: 15:00 – 21:00

Language: English



Period 1: 06/02/2024 to 04/04/2024

Period 2: 03/06/2024 to 02/09/2024

Seats available: 30

ECTS credits: 60

Fees in 2024-2025: ca. 2.701 € for EU students / ca.5.050 € for other students

Minimum ECTS credits: 24 for part-time students; 36 for full-time students



Program Director: Carmen Arguedas Tomás



Rocío Sánchez Mangas, Nuria Rodríguez Priego and Aránzazu de Juan Fernández


Contact details:


Dpto. de Análisis Económico: Teoría Económica e Historia Económica and Dpto. de Análisis Económico: Economía Cuantitativa

Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Cantoblanco. Madrid 28049



Inquiries related to the admission process should be sent to posgrado.oficial@uam.es

Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales  · C/ Francisco Tomás y Valiente, 5 · Universidad Autónoma de Madrid · 28049 Madrid · España