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Reconocimiento Asignaturas / Créditos

Homologation and Accreditation of Credits

(See Foreign Studies Homologation in New Students >Joining the EPS> Foreign Studies Admission)


After your admission and enrollment in our School you can apply for the Homologation of subjects completed in other official Spanish Universities. 

In those cases when there are enough analogies between the course to be taken and the one you desire to homologate, the subjects and credits recognition will be carried out. In any case, the credits and the subjects previously completed that could not be neither homologated, adjusted or accredited will continue to be transferred to your academic record.

  • Deadline for application: 31th July 2014
  • The Homologation Application Form will be collected in the School's Administration Office
  • Documents to file:
    • Application Form
    • Complete Student Record (with all the subjects and examination calls) of the University of origin (in case it does not appear in the Administration Registry from past years).
    • Program(s) of the subject(s) you want to homologate/adjust, sealed by the corresponding Department(s) of the University of origin and indicating the number of class hours of said subject(s)

In the specific case of VOCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS students, the charts approved and published in the corresponding UAM website [ES only] will be used.


You can also apply for the accreditation of extracurricular activites credits (current Undergraduate Studies, up to 6 credits) or optional credits (only former Undergraduate Studies) :

  1. When the subject(s) completed in other official Schools do not show analogies with any of this School's Plan subjects (just former Undergraduate Studies.)
  2. According to UAM Regulations [ES only] and the charts that appear there, when in possession of a Certificate of any of the authorized activities (*) (sports, languages, music, etc.) or courses and seminars approved for your Plan of Studies, which you can check here [ES only]
  3. When applying for the accreditation of credits no other subjects blocking the incorporation of more credits should figure in the enrollment of that academic year.

The application deadlines will be from 22 to 26 September 2014, filing the attached document duly signed and accompanied by the original and the copy of the pertinent certificate (s).

(*) Please notice that Computing courses and education internships authorized for the accreditation of credits within the University are not applicable for students of this School.

Escuela Politécnica Superior | Universidad Autónoma de Madrid | Francisco Tomás y Valiente, 11 | 28049 Madrid | Tel.: +34 91 497 2222 | e-mail: informacion.eps@uam.es