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Facultad de Medicina

Credits for professional activity

(Approved by the Governing Council, February 11, 2011)

According to Article 6 of Royal Decree 861/2010, which modifies Royal Decree 1393/2007, the decree that regulates official university instruction, accreditable work and professional experience work can be recognized as credits toward obtaining an official degree as long as this experience is related to the competencies inherent in this degree.

Accreditation of professional experience includes professional and work activity performed and documented by the student concerned before or during his/her undergraduate study outside the university environment, or at least outside the activities designated in the study programme related to internships.

The procedure must meet the following general criteria:

Number of credits to be recognized, non applicability to the final project for the degree and evaluation for recognition.

1. The number of credits to be recognized from professional or work experience and unofficial university instruction may not exceed a total of 15 percent of the total number of credits that make up the study programme.

      a) In the case of undergraduate degrees-—240 credits—this percentage is a maximum of 36 credits.

      b) In the case of postgraduate degrees, the maximum number of credits that may be recognized is as follows:

  • 60-credit Master’s programmes: 9 credits.
  • 90-credit Master’s programmes: 13.5 credits.
  • 120-credit Master's programmes: 18 credits.


      c) In the case of recognition of credit for unofficial university instruction, these credits will be added to credits recognized for professional or work experience up to the limit mentioned above.

2. In no case may the credits recognized be applied to the final undergraduate or Master’s project.

3. The credits recognized will not be assigned a grade and thus will not affect the student’s grade point average.

Framework for relating professional experience accumulated in hours of work to the number of credits to be recognized:

  • For one year of professional experience, possibility of up to 12 credits.
  • For two years of professional experience, possibility of up to 24 credits.
  • For three years of professional experience, possibility of up to the limit established for this kind of recognition.

Indication of the subject matter/courses that may be recognized in each degree programme:

1. Priority will be given to the recognition of external internships, as long as the student has not registered for these as part of the degree programme.

2. After internships, credits earned in other courses will be recognized, as long as there is equivalence or agreement between the skills and abilities acquired during the professional performance and the competencies described in the course syllabi for which the credit recognition is requested.

Documentation of professional activity for accreditation:

In addition to the application, the student should provide the following documents for each activity developed:

  1. Work contract.
  2. Work life report or time sheet.
  3. Memorandum on professional activities, which should include a description of the professional activities performed during the work period(s) and should not exceed 5 pages. The University may request verification of any aspect of this Memorandum, as well as an interview, as it sees fit.

       This memorandum must conform to the following structure:

  • Cover: Firm, student’s personal information, degree programme, and table of contents.
  • Brief information about the firm (name, location, activity, sector).
  • Departments or Units in which the student has worked.
  • Training received: courses, computer programmes…
  • Description of activities developed.
  • Competencies, abilities and skills acquired during the period of professional activity (goals fulfilled and/or not fulfilled).

This information, the application form and the deadlines may be found on the web page under Normativa Propia de la UAM.

Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Calle del Arzobispo Morcillo 4. 28029 Madrid. Tel. +34 91 497 54 86  Fax. 91 497 53 53. Email. informacion.medicina@uam.es