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Facultad de Medicina

The intern's basic obligations are:

To the company and the professional tutor:

  • To start work at the company, institution or organism with which I have established the corresponding Agreement on the date established.
  • To fulfill the hours and regulations established by the company.
  • To perform the internship activities with diligence and responsibility, taking full advantage of them, according to the training project developed and the conditions agreed upon.
  • To commit myself as a professional to absolute silence on all confidential information on any personal, economic or commercial issue related to the company; and to commit myself not to use any of the work done during the internship without the express prior authorization by the company.
  • To follow the instructions of the company’s Professional Tutor within the general framework of the Agreement signed between the University and the collaborating entity.

To the Academic Tutor and the Internship Office:

  • To find my Academic Tutor and communicate with him/her at the start of the internship and to maintain the regular contact that the Academic Tutor needs to evaluate the internship.
  • To provide the information necessary to facilitate evaluation and grading at the end of the internship period, specifically, to prepare the Internship Memorandum (see additional information on Evaluation of internships in “Information for students”) and any other document explicitly requested by the Academic Tutor.
  • To inform the Faculty’s Internship Office of any incident that occurs related to formalization of the internship (internship agreement or appendix, application for recognition of credit, etc.). In addition, for processing of the subsequent recognition of credits, it is crucial that students who did the internship through an Agreement signed by the COIE, FGUAM or FUE confirm personally that the Internship Office has received a copy of the agreement with the company that grants the internship.
  • To inform the Professional and the Academic Tutor of any incidents that might occur to affect the normal development of the professional or academic activity.

Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Calle del Arzobispo Morcillo 4. 28029 Madrid. Tel. +34 91 497 54 86  Fax. 91 497 53 53. Email. informacion.medicina@uam.es