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Tracking Neanderthals in Time and Space: was the “Quina World” the first regional cultural entity in the history of Europe?

Tracking Neanderthals in Time and Space: was the “Quina World” the first regional cultural entity in the history of Europe? Tracking Neanderthals in Time and Space: was the “Quina World” the first regional cultural entity in the history of Europe?
Financiado por
Inicio 1 enero 2021 - fin 31 diciembre 2025

Javier BAENA (IP UAM), Guillaume Guérin (coordinador)


Neanderthals disappeared ~40 000 years ago; although they have received significant public and academic attention, their evolution and behavioural diversity remain little known. Quina Mousterian designates a singular Neanderthal lithic industry; it is often associated with specific, large game seasonal hunting (herds of reindeer). Particular mobility patterns and elaborate carcass processing suggest an image of a complex, intriguing cultural entity. Outside its core area (SW France), Quina Mousterian is also mentioned in different parts of Europe. The Quina World project will first aim at testing the hypothesis that a Quina cultural entity existed, i.e. that the occurrences of Quina Mousterian correspond to a short period of time and can thus be attributed to affiliated or connected groups of Neanderthals. A widely interdisciplinary consortium will then aim at defining the characteristics of the assumed Quina entity, how it evolved in time and potentially diffused in space across Europe.


Javier Baena ,Francesco Boschin, Emmanuel Discamps, Marie-Hélène Moncel Jürgen Richter, Annamaria Ronchitelli, Viviane Slon, Sahra Talamo

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Facultad de Filosofía y Letras · C/ Francisco Tomás y Valiente 1 · Universidad Autónoma de Madrid · 28049 Madrid · Contacto: +34 91 497 43 54 · ·