My research interest focuses on the study of the psychological mechanisms by which attitudes are formed, changed, and maintained. These fundamental processes range from the least thoughtful automatic processes (e.g., self-perception) to the most thoughtful meta-cognitive (e.g., thought validation).
Most of my research has examined how different aspects of the source (e.g., credibility), message (e.g., matching), recipient (e.g., bodily responses, power postures, ease of retrieval), or context (e.g., transitory affective states, social consensus) can influence persuasion by affecting those mechanisms. I have evaluated the impact of these and other persuasive treatments on attitudes with both deliberative and more automatic measures, assessing their relationship, and the subsequent implications for attitude structure.
Furthermore, my research has examined these changes with regard to different judgments about objects (e.g., consumer products), services (e.g., safety practices), persons (including oneself), and with respect to a variety of groups, and organizations..
Facultad de Psicología. c/Ivan Pavlov nº6. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid © 2011 · Ciudad Universitaria de Cantoblanco · 28049 Madrid · Conserjería: 91 497 44 34 - Secretaría de la Facultad: 91 497 40 46/ 91 497 74 23/ 91 497 40 69/ 91 497 55 62 Correos electrónicos: Grado: Posgrado: