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The Myths of Behaviourism and Introspectionism

Título Seminarios
Alan Costall (Portsmouth University)
A las 13:00
Sala de Juntas

Introspectionism as a dominant movement within early scientific psychology,
along with its fatal limitations, was largely the invention of J. B. Watson. So was the ʹobjectivismʹ of Watsonian behaviourism. Curiously, the pioneers of the new Cognitive Psychology not only accepted these myths, but, in the end, came to present itself not as a revolution but as a synthesis of the methodology of behaviourism and the subject of introspectionism. One serious result has been that modern psychology committed itself to an official methodology that bears little relation to actual research practice. A second is that theorists of ʹTheory of Mindʹ then projected this official methodology onto human kind in general, and reinvented ʹthe problem of other minds.ʹ


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Con mi afecto,
Cintia Rodríguez Garrido

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