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Rocío Navas Huerga, Isabel Salcedo de Diego, Carlos de Miguel Jiménez, Cristina Muñoz Martínez, Mi Kwon, Natalia Pedraza García, María Calbacho, Ana Royuela Vicente, Pilar Serrano Gallardo. Financial toxicity in allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplant patients from a social determinants of health perspective European Journal of Oncology Nursing 2024; April 07.
Pilar Serrano Gallardo; Rosa Mas Giralt; Simone Castellani; Sol Pia Juarez. Advancing migration and health research by examining return migration. J Epidemiol Community Health. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. BMJ. 2024; 78.
Álvarez García, G; Nogueira-Pérez, A; Prieto-Alaguero, MP; Pérez-Garrote, C; Díaz-Testillano, A; Moral-Caballero, MA; Ruperto, M; González-Blázquez, C; Barril, G. Comorbidity and nutritional status in adult with advanced chronic kidney disease influence the decision-making choice of renal replacement therapy modality: A retrospective 5-year study. Front Nutr. 2023.
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