Includes two research lines:
To study the prevalence of the two large Trypanosomatides (Trypanosoma cruzi and Leishmania spp.) in different areas of the State.
Until now there was a lack of epidemiological data on both endemic diseases in that State, which represent a serious public health problem in different population groups.
Similarly, it is intended to implement new diagnostic methodologies that lessen the problem of cross reactions and can be used in blood banks as a single test, this study covering all epidemiological aspects of the disease such as seroprevalence studies in rural communities, urban, pediatric and pregnant women, entomological studies, studies of wild and synanthropic reservoirs and clinical studies of reactive populations.
With these data we will obtain a wide epidemiological information of these two genus of Trypanosomatides of great importance in the Public Health in the State.
- José Antonio de Diego Cabrera. School of Medicine. U.A.M. Spain.
E-mail: Check publications in PubMed.
- Maria Elena Villagrán Herrera. School of Medicine. U.A.Q. Mexico.
E-mail: Check publications in PubMed.
- José Alejandro Martinez Ibarra. CUSUR. University of Guadalajara. Mexico.
E-mail: Check publications in PubMed.
- Manuel Sánchez Moreno. Faculty of Sciences. University of Granada. Spain.
E-mail: Check publications in PubMed.
Epidemiology Research Line Of Chagas Disease In The State Of Querétaro. Mexico
1. - Seroprevalence to Trypanosoma cruzi in rural population of Querétaro State.
2.- Entomological mapping of vectors in the State of Querétaro.
3.- Electrocardiographic and echocardiographic studies of reactive population.
4.- Application of molecular techniques using the enzyme SODFe in the diagnosis of the infection. Its applicability in blood banks.
5.- Studies of prevalence to infection in wild reservoirs.
6.- Absence of cross reaction Trypanosoma cruzi vs Trypanosoma rangeli using the enzyme SODFe as a marker.
7.- Seroprevalence to Trypanosoma cruzi in suburban population of the State of Querétaro.
8.- Seroprevalence to Trypanosoma cruzi in the pediatric population of the State of Querétaro.
9.- Seroprevalence to Trypanosoma cruzi in canine population of endemic areas.
10.- Seroprevalence to Trypanosoma cruzi in pregnant women.
Epidemiology Of Leishmaniasis In The State Of Querétaro. Mexico: Comparative study by conventional and molecular tests
1.- Prevalence of Leishmania mexicana mexicana in pediatric population.
2.- Prevalence of Leishmania infantun chagasi in pediatric population.
Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Calle del Arzobispo Morcillo 4. 28029 Madrid. Tel. +34 91 497 54 86 Fax. 91 497 53 53. Email.