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Equipos de investigación

Research Groups of the Epidemiology and Public Health Program

  This program is offered jointly by research groups from the Departments of Preventive Medicine and Public Health at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM), Universidad de Alcalá (UA) and Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Rey). Several research groups of the Institute of Health Carlos III (ISCIII) also participate in this program. This is the single PhD program of Epidemiology and Public Health offered in Madrid and one of the few in Spain.

The main objective of this program is to train top researchers who are able to generate new and relevant knowledge about the frequency and determinants of health disorders and health services use. Also these researchers should be able to transfer this knowledge into to specific actions to improve the health of the population.

Investigations on a number of topics are conducted by 11 research groups. Both principal investigators and other members of the research groups have directed or contributed to important research projects in this field. They also collaborate with several research and public health institutions, particularly the CIBER of Epidemiology and Public Health. Please, see below for a list of the main topics in each research group.


Epidemiology of chronic disease

Socioeconomic determinants of health and health inequities

Health services research

Principal investigators

Fernando Rodríguez Artalejo, CU, UAM

José Ramón Banegas, CU, UAM

Pilar Guallar, CU, UAM

Esther López García, CU, UAM

Auxiliadora Graciani Pérez-Regadera, TU, UAM


Other members of the group

Esther García García-Esquinas, Tenured Scientist (ISCIII)

Juan José de la Cruz Troca, Data Technician (UAM)


Epidemiology of infectious disease

Epidemiology of chronic disease

Health services research

Ageing, disability and dependency

Principal investigators

Angel Gil de Miguel, URJC

Gil Rodríguez Caravaca, URJC

Rodrigo Jiménez García, URJC

Pilar Carrasco Garrido, URJC

Other members of the group

Ruth Gil Prieto, URJC

Ana López de Andrés, URJC

Yolanda Valcárcel Rivera, URJC

José Luis del Barrio Fernández, URJC

Alba González Escalada, URJC


Epidemiology of infectious disease

Socioeconomic determinants of health and health inequities

Health services research

Principal Investigators

Francisco de Abajo, UAH

Angel Asúnsolo del Barco, UAH

Other members of the group

Manuel Franco Tejero, UAH

María Sandín Vázquez, UAH

Isabel Río Sánchez, UAH


Epidemiology of infectious disease

Socioeconomic determinants of health and health inequities

Principal investigators

Marina Pollán Santamaría, ISCIII

Gonzalo López-Abente Ortega, ISC III

Nuria Aragonés Sanz, ISC III

Other members of the group

Beatriz Pérez Gómez, ISCIII

Roberto Pastor Barriuso, ISCIII

Virginia Lope Carvajal, ISCIII

Julio Díaz Jiménez, ISCIII

Rebeca Ramis Prieto, ISCIII

Elena Isabel Boldo Pascua, ISCIII

Pablo Fernández Navarro, ISCIII

Cristina Linares Gil, ISCIII

Javier García Pérez, ISCIII

Adela Castelló Pastor, ISCIII 


Epidemiology of infectious disease

Socioeconomic determinants of health and health inequities

Health services research

Principal investigators

Julia del Amo Valero, ISCIII

 Mª Ángeles Rodríguez Arenas, ISCIII

Marta Ortiz Rivera, ISCIII

Other members of the group

Sara Lodi, ISCIII

Paz Sobrino Vegas, ISCIII

Mª Victoria Hernando, ISCIII

Cristina González Blázquez, ISCIII


Epidemiology of chronic diseases

Socioeconomic determinants of health and health inequities

Health services research

Principal investigators

Jesús de Pedro Cuesta, ISCIII

Iñaki Galán Labaca, ISCIII

Juan Manuel Castellote Olivito, ISCIII

Other members of the group

Pablo Martínez Martín, ISCIII

Olga Calero Rueda, ISCIII

María Ruiz Tovar, ISCIII

Mª José Medrano Albero, ISCIII

Maria João Bettencourt Pereira-Forjaz, ISCIII

Miguel Calero Lara, ISCIII

Javier Damián Moreno, ISCIII


Epidemiology of infectious disease

Epidemiology of chronic diseases

Socioeconomic determinants of health and health inequities

Health services research

Principal investigators

Gregorio Barrio Anta, ISCIII

Luis de la Fuente de Hoz, ISCIII

Belén Sanz Barbero, ISCIII

Other members of the group

Mª José Bravo Portela ISCIII

Mª José Belza Egozcue, ISCIII

José Pulido Manzanero, ISCIII

Luis Sordo del Castillo, ISCIII

Ana Sarasa Renedo, ISCIII

Fernando Vallejo Ruiz de León, ISCIII

Gemma Molist Señé, ISCIII

Juan Hoyos Miller ISCIII

Sonia Fernández Balbuena, ISCIII

Laura Otero, García ISCIII

Elena Rosales, ISCIII


Epidemiology of infectious disease

Epidemiology of chronic diseases

Principal Investigators

Manuel Posada, ISCIII

Antonio Morales Piga, ISCIII

Javier Alonso García de la Rosa, ISCIII

Other members of the group

Eva Bermejo Sánchez, ISCIII

Verónica Alonso Ferreira, ISCIII

Ricardo Canal Bedía, Universidad de Salamanca

Manuel Hens Pérez, ISCIII

Beatriz Martínez Delgado, ISCIII

Mª Luisa Martínez Frías, Universidad Complutense de Madrid


Epidemiology of infectious disease

Principal investigators

Amparo Larrauri Cámara, ISCIII

Inmaculada Casas Flecha, ISCIII

Lucas Domínguez Rodríguez, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Other members of the group 

Salvador de Mateo Ontanón, ISCIII

Diana Gómez Barroso, ISCIII

Laura Herrero-León, ISCIII


Epidemiology of infectious disease

Health services research

Principal investigators

Agustín Benito Llanes, ISCIII

Ricardo Molina Moreno, ISCIII

Teresa Garate Ormaechea, ISCIII

Other members of the group

Mª Pilar Aparicio Azcarraga, ISCIII

Pedro Javier Berzosa Díaz, ISCIII

Yasmín Fermín Rodríguez, ISCIII

Mª Teresa Boquete Blanco, ISCIII

Amalia Fernández Martínez, ISCIII

Teresa Blasco Hernández, ISCIII

Estefanía Custodio Cerezales, ISCIII

Aranzazu Amor Aramendia, ISCIII

Mª Isabel Jiménez Alonso, ISCIII


Epidemiology of chronic diseases

Principal investigators

Nuria Malats Riera, ISCIII

Francisco Xavier Real, Universidad Pompeu Fabra

Kristel Van Steel, Universidad de Lieja

Other members of the group

Mirari Márquez, CNIO

Ana Sagrera Aparisi, CNIO

Mª Evangelina López de Maturana, CNIO

Raquel Seijas, CNIO

Mª Luz Calle Rosingana, Universitat de Vic

Emmanuelle Génin, CNIO

Angela Brand, Institute for Public Health Genomics


Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Calle del Arzobispo Morcillo 4. 28029 Madrid. Tel. +34 91 497 54 86  Fax. 91 497 53 53. Email. informacion.medicina@uam.es