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Teaching and Research Staff

Donado Campos, Juan de la Mata

Adjunct Professor of Basic Science
Departamento de Medicina Preventiva, Salud Pública y Parasitología
+34 91 497 5578
Resume CV

Since 2008 I am Adjunct Professor in the Department of Preventive Medicine and Public Health and Microbiology at the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM) where I teach in the Degree of Medicine and in Postgraduate Masters. I have been teaching and researching for 19 years at the National School of Health and at the National Epidemiology Center of the Carlos III Health Institute (ISCIII). The lines of interest that highlight my curriculum are: 1. research; 2. teaching and innovation of teaching-learning methods; 3. incorporation of new methods in epidemiological analysis; 4. field epidemiology.

1. Research. I have been principal investigator of 6 competitively funded research projects. I have participated in three non-competitive research projects. I am a member of CIBERESP and of the Cardiovascular and Nutritional Epidemiology Group of the UAM and I collaborate in the ENRICA (Nutrition and Cardiovascular Risk Study) and ENRICA-Seniors projects.

2. Teaching and innovation of teaching-learning methods. One of the 6 projects I directed was "SAME: Multimedia Learning System in Epidemiology". It was the first project of its kind in Spain. Another project of which I was PI was "Design and development of a virtual classroom for teaching epidemiology". This project, a pioneer in Spain, established the theoretical bases for this type of teaching, based on which the "University Expert Course in Epidemiology and New Applied Technologies" was designed and developed, the first course of its kind in Spain, of which I was the designer and director for 16 editions.

3. Incorporation of new methods in epidemiological analysis. In two of the projects in which I was PI, system dynamics was applied for the first time in Spain to solve epidemiological problems. I am director of the module "Applications of system dynamics in epidemiology" of the Master in Epidemiology of the UAM, the only Master in which this discipline is taught. I am co-designer and professor at the University Expert Course on Dynamic Models in Public Health organized by the UNED, the first course of its kind in Spain. I was director of a report applying dynamic models on the evolution of the 2009 pandemic flu for the Ministry of Health. I am director of the informal research group of the UAM "A world in danger" where doctoral students from the UAM and researchers from the UNED participate. This group made several reports for the Community of Madrid where we simulated the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic applying system dynamics.

4. Field epidemiology. For 16 years I have been scientific coordinator of the Applied Field Epidemiology Program, the first program of its kind in Spain, which was developed at the National Epidemiology Center of the ISCIII. I have designed and coordinated the "Manual on outbreak management and public health alerts and crises". I have been a consultant for WHO in the Alerts Unit in Lyon (France) and for CDC-TEPHINET in the Dominican Republic where I have designed the program and structure of an advanced course in field epidemiology. I teach "Epidemiological Surveillance" and "Study of outbreaks" in the Degree of Medicine of the UAM. I direct the course "Public health alerts and crisis. Outbreak investigation" in the Master of Epidemiology of the UAM.


Lines of Research

Control de infecciones hospitalarias y dinámica de sistemas


Complete and updated Curriculum Vitae, including publications, at http://www.proyectosame.com/cv_jdonado/cv_jdonado.HTM

Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Calle del Arzobispo Morcillo 4. 28029 Madrid. Tel. +34 91 497 54 86  Fax. 91 497 53 53. Email. informacion.medicina@uam.es