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Facultad de Medicina

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Areas of Knowledge

Caballero Díaz, Francisco Felix

Associate Professor
+34 91 497 5088
Resume CV

Dr. Caballero teaches Biostatistics in the Degree in Nursing and the Degree in Biomedical Engineering, and “Sampling” and “An introduction to missing data in epidemiological research” in the University Master’s in Epidemiology. He has been involved in several Spanish and European research projects, exploring determinants associated with healthy ageing trajectories, and analysing the impact of healthy lifestyle behaviours on the development of multimorbidity.


Lines of Research

His current research lines include the promotion of healthy lifestyle behaviours and the analysis of the relationship between metabolomic profiles and physical function in older population.


His articles in Pubmed

Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Calle del Arzobispo Morcillo 4. 28029 Madrid. Tel. +34 91 497 54 86  Fax. 91 497 53 53. Email. informacion.medicina@uam.es