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Facultad de Medicina

Arnalich Fernández, Francisco

Line 03. Neurodegeneration, neuroprotection, inflammation, and drug development
Department of Medicine
Hospital Universitario La Paz. Servicio de Medicina Interna


Lines of Research

Research Group: Neurobiology of the Inflammatory Response in Human Pathology

Applied research lines:

  • Systemic inflammatory response in sepsis and in conditions of prolonged hypoxia/anoxia (cardiac arrest; acute coronary syndrome).
  • Molecular mechanisms involved in the innate immune response.

Lines of study framed in basic research projects:

  • Study of the pathophysiological role of nicotinic a7 and dup7 receptors expressed in human macrophages, neurons and lung carcinoma cells.
  • Identification of signalling pathways connecting nicotinic a7 receptors and negative regulators of TLR-mediated inflammation in human macrophages.

Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Calle del Arzobispo Morcillo 4. 28029 Madrid. Tel. +34 91 497 54 86  Fax. 91 497 53 53. Email. informacion.medicina@uam.es