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Hélade research projects

PB93-0265 "Iconografía de lo irracional: imágenes dionisíacas en Iberia".
Iconography of the Irrational: Dionysiac Images in Iberia.
This project dealt with the study of images with Dionysiac scenes on Attic pottery exported to the Iberian Peninsula. These are the great majority of the scenes on the vases imported to Spain and we studied what their main characteristics were and whether we could see any peculiarities that were not shared with other Mediterranean markets.

BHA2001-0157 "Territorio, identidad y colonización en la Grecia central (épocas arcaica y clásica)".
Territory, Identity and Colonization in Central Greece (Archaic and Classical Periods).
This project proposed a global study of a territory such as the Epicnemidian Lokris, which had not been the object of any previous overall study. In it we carried out an analysis of historical topography with the identification of the main settlements (poleis) and their relationship with the land and sea communication routes. In the same way, we approached the history of this territory with the advantage of being able to locate the events in their geographical framework thanks to the elaboration of a digitalised cartography that proved essential to achieve this goal.

HUM2005-06323 "Navegación, contactos y etnicidad en la Grecia antigua: el Golfo de Corinto".
Navigation, Contacts and Ethnicity in Ancient Greece: The Gulf of Corinth.
In this project, a further step was taken in the problem of the elaboration of ethnic and political identities in the Greek world. Among other issues, we delved into the mechanisms that the Western Locrians used to emphasise their affiliation to the Locrian ethnos, since they were spread over two discontinuous territories in Greece. Similarly, in this project we were able to confirm the fundamental role that the sea and a land route that runs a short distance from the coastline played in the shaping of ethnic and political identities, as well as being a key element in the configuration of the settlement pattern of the territory.

HAR2008-04081 "Entre Grecia y la Magna Grecia: construcción de identidades, federalismo y ligas militares (épocas arcaica y clásica)".
Between Greece and Magna Graecia: Identity-building, Federalism and Military Leagues (Archaic and Classical Periods).
This project analysed how, especially in the Greek West, belonging to the same military alliance or league was a fundamental factor in the construction of identities. Similarly, in some cases, the creation of colonies acted as a means of expanding the territory controlled by the metropolis. Also, the geographical contiguity of the Achaean colonies created a power core, not exempt from internal problems, which contributed to the construction of a strong identity that would have broader aspirations over time when configuring regional alliances (Italiote League).

HAR2009-07448 "Imágenes de Atenas en el mundo ibérico (IAMI). Estudio de la iconografía y de la recepción de los materiales griegos del siglo IV a.C. en la Península Ibérica".
Images of Athens in the Iberian world (IAMI). A Study of the Iconography and Reception of Greek Materials from the 4th Century BC in the Iberian Peninsula.

We developed the iconographic study of the Greek materials found in Spain at the peak of Greek exports to the Western market, that is to say in the 4th century BC. We studied the different themes that appear on all the red-figure supports and saw how each peninsular region distinguished itself in the choice of a particular repertoire.

HAR2011-25443 "Los griegos entre el Jonio y el Adriático: la Grecia del Noroeste, colonización, contactos culturales y federalismo".
The Greeks Between the Ionian and the Adriatic: North-West Greece, Colonization, Cultural Contacts and Federalism.

In this project, the analysis of the Greek territories and their colonies located in the spatial arc between the Ionian Sea and the Adriatic was carried out from the perspective of the Greek populations settled on the coasts of the Ionian Sea, especially the Acarnanians, not forget to mention others such as the Epirotes.

HAR2013-47887-C2-1-P "Lexicon Iconográfico del mundo ibérico: las imágenes griegas".
Iconographic Lexicon of the Iberian World: Greek Images.

The aim was to create a lexicon or repertoire of Greek images found in Iberian contexts. This work was carried out at the same time as the Iberia Graeca website was being developed.

HAR2014-53885 "Etnogénesis, poblamiento, territorialidad y federalismo en el Epiro antiguo".
Ethnogenesis, Settlement, Territoriality and Federalism in Ancient Epirus.

The project aimed to investigate how the development of new trends in the Greek world from Late Archaism to Hellenism (colonization, imperialism, Peloponnesian War, intervention of other states) caused fundamental changes in the political and institutional development of Epirus and its territorial and population formalisation. Likewise, it sought to analyse the internal political structures of the Epirus and their ethnic and territorial articulation.

PGC2018-095530-B-I009 "La narración visual en la cerámica ática: las cráteras de figuras rojas en el contexto ibérico".
Visual Narration in Attic Pottery: Red-figure Craters in the Iberian Context.

In progress. This project analyses in depth the images and painters of Attic craters found in Iberian Peninsular contexts. We study the biography of these objects, from their production in Attic workshops, their distribution by batches around the Mediterranean to the Iberian Peninsula, the choice and use of the images and their supports, the craters, by Iberian elites, their resignification and the role they play in the creation of identity strategies and in the vindication of aristocratic lineages.

PID2019-105281GB-I00 "Entre el Adriático y el continente griego: las Islas Jónicas del arcaísmo a la época clásica, estructuras estatales, implantación colonial y etnogénesis"
Between the Adriatic and the Greek Mainland: the Ionian Islands from Archaism to Classical Times, State Structures, Colonial Implantation and Ethnogenesis. 

In progress. More information is available in the specific section dedicated to this project at the beginning of the HÉLADE website.

Facultad de Filosofía y Letras · C/ Francisco Tomás y Valiente 1 · Universidad Autónoma de Madrid · 28049 Madrid · Contacto: +34 91 497 43 54 ·  informacion.filosofia@uam.es ·           Web:webmaster.filosofia@uam.es