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Presentación MULAI

The Master in English Applied Linguistics at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, offers students the concepts and tools they need to analyse languages and apply linguistic analyses in different fields and from various perspectives: the role of language in society, language in human cognition, the way languages are learnt, the way they change, language as culture, translation, intercultural communication, the English language in the mass media, and in the academic and commercial worlds.

The Master has two main lines of specialization in Applied Linguistics, designed with two different, but related, profiles in mind: students with a general interest in language in society, and those who would like to know more about the teaching and learning of foreign languages:

  1. Linguistics Applied to Discourse and Communication in English aims to train researchers and professionals to explain linguistic processes and read critically, as well as to design and write a wide variety of linguistic products.
  2. Linguistics Applied to the Teaching and Learning of Foreign Languages in bilingual and non-bilingual contexts is designed to train specialists in acquisition of foreign languages both for English as a Foreign Language and for content subjects.

The programme is designed for graduates in studies related to English, or from degrees whose object of study has to do with language and communication. The language of study is English: applicants need to be able to read academic texts and communicate in English (B2 level).



Laura Hidalgo (laura.hidalgo@uam.es)

Datos de contacto:

91-4974426 (Secretaría del Departamento de Filología Inglesa)


Las consultas relativas al procedimiento de admisión al Máster deben dirigirse a posgrado.oficial@uam.es


  • CEP MULAI. External link. Opens in new window
  • Docencia en Red. External link. Opens in new window
  • Biblioteca de Humanidades. External link. Opens in new window
  • Buzón de Quejas y Sugerencias. External link. Opens in new window

Facultad de Filosofía y Letras · C/ Francisco Tomás y Valiente 1 · Universidad Autónoma de Madrid · 28049 Madrid · Contacto: +34 91 497 43 54 ·  informacion.filosofia@uam.es ·           Web:webmaster.filosofia@uam.es