Amaya Mendikoetxea Pelayo is a Full Professor in the Department of English Philology at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. She has a BA in English Philology from the University of Deusto and a DPhil in Linguistics from the University of York (UK). She held a postdoctoral position as a Fulbright scholar in the Department of Linguistics and Philosophy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and has been a visiting scholar at several universities in Europe and USA (UCLA, Lancaster University). Her research interests include the syntax and semantics of Romance and Germanic languages and second language acquisition, areas in which she has directed several independently funded research projects and has published widely in journals and specialized volumes. She has had an active involvement in the management of the university as Head of Department, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies and Pro Vice Chancellor for International Relations.
Grammar (theoretical, descriptive and Pedagogical), Romance and Germanic languages
Grupos de InvestigaciónMember of UAM’s consolidated research group GRATECOM (Gramática Teórica y Comparada)
ProyectosProyectos de Investigación en curso:
Title: Microparameters in the interfaces of syntax with other linguistic components.Grammatical variation and varieties of Spanish.PI Luis Eguren & Olga Fernández Soriano. FFI2017-87140-C4-4-P. Ministry of Economy and Competitivenes. 01/01/2018 - 31/12/2021.
Title: Anaphora resolution froma corpus perspective.Beyond interfaces in L2 acquisition PI Cristóbal Lozano. FFI2016-75106-P. Ministry of Economy and Competitivenes. 01/01/2017 - 30/06/2021.
Sexenios de investigación: 4
Líneas de investigaciónSyntax , theory of the lexicon, comparative grammar, second language acquisition
19412 - LINGÜÍSTICA COMPARADA (INGLÉS-ESPAÑOL) (Optional module, BA in Modern Languages)
17299 - LINGÜÍSTICA COMPARADA INGLÉS-ESPAÑOL (Optional module, BA in English Studies)
17292 – English Grammar II (Obligatory course, BA in English Studies)
17435 – Main Modern Language 8 – English Syntax (Obligatory course, BA in Modern Languages)
32088 – Models of Acquistion (MA in English Applied Linguistics)
Selected publications:
Eguren, Luis, Fernández Soriano, Olga y Mendikoetxea, Amaya (eds.). 2016. Rethinking Parameters. New York: Oxford University Press.
Papers in journals:
Mendikoetxea, Amaya & Cristóbal Lozano. 2018. From corpora to experiments: methodological triangulation in the study of word order at the interfaces in adult late bilinguals (L2 learners). Journal of Psycholinguistic Research 47, 4: 871-898 [Q1]
Lozano, Cristóbal & Amaya Mendikoetxea. 2010. Interface conditions on postverbal subjects: a study of L2 English. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 13:475-497. [Q1]
Mendikoetxea, Amaya. 2008. Clitic impersonal constructions in Romance: Syntactic features and semantic interpretation. Impersonal Constructions in Grammatical Theory A. Siewierska (ed.), Special Issue of the Transactions of the Philological Society, 106, 2, 290-336. [Q2]
Chapters in specialized volumes:
Lozano, Cristóbal y Amaya Mendikoetxea. 2013. Learner corpora and Second Language Acquisition: The design and collection of CEDEL2. En N. Ballier, A. Díaz-Negrillo, & P. Thompson (eds.) Automatic Treatment and Analysis of Learner Corpus Data. Amsterdam: John Benjamin, 65-100.
Fernández Soriano, Olga & Amaya Mendikoetxea. 2013. Non selected dative arguments in Spanish anticausative constructions: exploring subjecthood. In I. Serzant, & L. Kulikov (eds.) Diachronic Typology of Non-canonical Subjects. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 3-34.
Mendikoetxea, Amaya. 2012. Passives and ‘se’ constructions. In J. I. Hualde, A. Olarrea & E. O’Rourke (eds.). The Handbook of Hispanic Linguistics. Oxford: Blackwell. Capítulo 23. 477-502
Mendikoetxea, Amaya. 2006. Unergatives that ‘become’ unaccusatives in English locative inversion: a lexical-syntactic approach. In C. Copy y L. Gournay (eds.) Points de Vue sur l’Inversion. Cahiers de Recherche en Grammaire Anglaise de l’Énonciation. Tome 9. Paris: Editions Orphys. 133-155.
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