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Personal Docente e Investigador

Jiménez Briones Rocío

Jiménez Briones, Rocío

Profesora Contratada Doctora
203 (VI-Bis)

Rocío Jiménez-Briones is Permanent Lecturer in English Language and Linguistics at UAM, where she works since 1996. In 1993 she graduated in English Philology at UAM and obtained an exchange scholarship to do her M.A. in Linguistic Studies at Syracuse University (USA) from 1993 to 1995. She also taught there two courses in English Linguistics as Teaching Assistant. In 2004 she was awarded her Ph.D. from the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED, Spain), earning the UNED Distinguished Ph.D. Dissertation Award in 2005. In the summer of 2006 she was Visiting Scholar at NYU (New York, USA).

Rocío Jiménez-Briones is particularly interested in the relationship between syntax and semantics, in both functional and constructional approaches to language. She has lately focused on the field of natural language processing and its relation with theoretical linguistics, contributing to the design and implementation of FunGramKB (, and of DIAPASON (, a social-sensing prototype for crowdsensing”. She has published in national and international books and journals, and has also presented papers at international and national conferences and seminars. She has worked as abstract reviewer at various international conferences, and as peer-reviewer for John Benjamins and some international journals. She is currently Associate Editor of RESLA (Spanish Journal of Applied Linguistics).   


Áreas de especialización

English language: grammar and lexis.



Proyectos de investigación

Sistema inteligente multimodal basado en crowdsensing para un servicio de predicción de problemas sociales (ALLEGRO)

Smart multi-modal crowdsensing-based system as a service oriented to the prediction of social problems (ALLEGRO)

PID2020-112827GB-I00 / AEI / 10.13039/501100011033

Inicio / Fin: desde el 01 Septiembre 2021 al 31 Agosto 2024

IP: José Carlos Periñán Pascual (UPV) – Rocío Jiménez Briones (research member)




Social-media tools have become a global phenomenon of communication, where users post content in the form of text, images, video, audio or a combination of them to convey their opinions, report facts that are happening at that time or show situations of interest. A current line of research related to these tools consists in crowdsensing, i.e. the analysis and interpretation of the huge amount of information that is daily posted in these tools. Within this context, this project proposes the development of ALLEGRO (Adaptive muLti-domain sociaL-media sEnsinG fRamewOrk), a smart multi-modal system (i.e. text, audio, and image) for the analysis and fusion of information posted on social networks. This system is comprised of different interconnected analysis modules, where efficient machine-learning techniques will be applied to both the extraction of the most significant features and the increase of contextual information from posts. With the purpose of evaluating the ALLEGRO architecture, we aim to implement a social-sensing prototype for the smart-city framework. In this regard, we take an integral approach to the concept of "smart city", where we focus not only on detecting problems related to the quality of the infrastructure and services provided to citizens (e.g. healthcare, lighting, and transportation, among others) but also on analysing the sociological dimension of the city, which is reflected through people's concerns (e.g. racial conflicts, unemployment, and violence, just to name a few). Therefore, we aim to develop a “Social-Sensing as-a-service” system that could deal with issues that do not contribute to improving well-being and quality of life. 

Líneas de investigación

Text analytics (; ontological and lexical semantics; natural language processing (; the lexical-conceptual interface.


Asignaturas impartidas

17934 - LANGUAGE IN COMMUNICATIVE CONTEXTS 1 (ENGLISH) (Modern Languages, Culture and Communication)


Meaning and Cognition: Research into Lexis and its Acquisition in First and Second Languages (Masters Degree in English Applied Linguistics)

Gramática I (English Studies)


Horario de tutorías

1st term: Tuesday and Thursday from 10:00 to 14:00

2nd term: Monday and Tuesday from 10:00 to 13:00


Jiménez Briones, R. and A. Luzondo-Oyón. 2020. “Illocutionary meaning in a knowledge base: The case of requests.” RAEL: Revista Electrónica de Lingüística Aplicada, 19.1: 42-57.

Luzondo Oyón, A. and R. Jiménez Briones. 2017. “Enhancing a Role and Reference Grammar approach to English motion constructions in a Natural Language Processing environment”. Círculo de Lingüística Aplicada a la Comunicación 70, 183-204.

Jiménez Briones, R. 2016. “A computational account of illocutionary meaning”. Research in Corpus Linguistics 4, 51-60.

Luzondo Oyón, A. and R. Jiménez Briones. 2014. “FrameNet and FunGramKB: A comparison of two computational resources for semantic knowledge representation”. In Language Processing and Grammars: The Role of Functionally Oriented Computational Models [Studies in Language Companion Series 150], B. Nolan and C. Periñán-Pascual (eds.), 197-231. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Jiménez Briones, R. and A. Luzondo Oyón. 2013. “Constructions in Role and Reference Grammar: The case of the English resultative”. In Linking Constructions into Functional Linguistics: The Role of Constructions in Grammar [Studies in Language Companion Series 145], B. Nolan and E. Diedrichsen (eds.), 179-204. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Cortés Rodríguez, F. J., C. González Vergara and R. Jiménez Briones. 2012. "Las clases léxicas. Revisión de la tipología de predicados verbales". In El funcionalismo en la teoría lingüística: la Gramática del Papel y la Referencia. Introducción, avances y aplicaciones, R. Mairal, L. Guerrero and C. González Vergara (eds.), 59-84. Madrid: AKAL.

Jiménez Briones, R. and A. Luzondo Oyón. 2011. "Building ontological meaning in a lexico-conceptual knowledge base". Onomázein 23 (2011/1), 11-40.

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To date Dr. Jiménez-Briones has been a research member in one Erasmus+ project (WE-COLLAB, 2021-1-HR01-KA220-HED-000027562) and in twelve research projects funded by the Spanish government (PID2020-112827GB-I00, FFI2014-53788-C3-1-P, FFI2013-43593-P, FFI2011-29798-C02-01, FFI2010-17610, FFI2008-05035-C02-01, HUM2007-65755/FILO, HUM2005-01728/FILO, and PS95-0049), by the regional governments of Andalucía and Madrid (B-HUM177-UGR18, CCG07-UAM/HUM 1829), and by UAM (09-SHD-016).

She has also supervised one Ph.D. Dissertation and six M.A. Theses in M.A. programs at NYU-Madrid, UNED, and UAM.

Facultad de Filosofía y Letras · C/ Francisco Tomás y Valiente 1 · Universidad Autónoma de Madrid · 28049 Madrid · Contacto: +34 91 497 43 54 · ·