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Departamento de Física TeóricaDepartamento de Física Teórica


Tier2 UAM computer room

The UAM site is a Tier2 computer center for the ATLAS experiment of the LHC collider. It basically includes a batch system, a distributed storage system, a service for accounting of storage and computing and a monitoring system. These local systems are connected to the corresponding ATLAS services through the GRID middleware. In addition there is a system for automatic installation and configuration of servers.

The site also provides a Tier3 level center for local users. Users have access to local and GRID resources through User Interfaces.

The infrastructure of the site makes it an optimal housing place for computers. Two clusters of computers are stored house for other research areas at present, namely: one for Astrophysics and another one for Nuclear Physics.

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid © 2008 · Ciudad Universitaria de Cantoblanco · 28049 Madrid