APS acknowledges his contribution as a reviewer in its highly impact scientific journals
L. Labarga is member of its International Board of Representatives.
Read it in the press:
Dr Guillermo Hägele, has been distinguished with the "Stimulus Award" for young astronomers (under 40 years old) from the Argentinian National Academy of Exact, Physics and Natural Sciences. Dr Hägele obtained his PhD at the UAM, Theoretical Physics Department, in 2008 and held a Teaching Assistant position from 2007 to 2011 in this department.
Following Haloes going MAD, Subhaloes going Notts, Sussing Merger Trees, and Halo Mass Recovery we will now run a three week workshop examining the production and analysis of mock universes which are nowadays routinely used to underpin the science return from large observational surveys such as DES, Euclid & BOSS. We intend to run three tightly coupled ateliers back-to-back in June/July 2014 addressing:
i)The modeling of individual galaxy clusters and their impact on cluster cosmology.
ii)The production of mock galaxy catalogues.
iii)The extraction of observational results from the artificial skies generated during the first two weeks.
This workshop will address the credibility of the simulations and derived mock surveys that are commonly used for large scale structure determination by verifying the various techniques before validating them against observational data.
For more information see: popia.ft.uam.es/nIFTyCosmology
We would like to share with you the image we sent to APOD. We think we should not wait for them to accept it or not and we should promote it as a good example of the information within the CALIFA data.
We have posted the image in the CALIFA front-page, and in here:
The CERN Council has appointed Prof. Belén Gavela as new member of the CERN Scientific Policy Committee (SPC) for a first term of office from 1st of January 2014 to 31st December 2016.
The Nobel Prize in Physics 2013 was awarded jointly to François Englert and Peter W. Higgs "for the theoretical discovery of a mechanism that contributes to our understanding of the origin of mass of subatomic particles, and which recently was confirmed through the discovery of the predicted fundamental particle, by the ATLAS and CMS experiments at CERN's Large Hadron Collider"
Encontrar sistemas planetarios similares al sistema solar es, quizás,
el reto más importante al que se enfrenta la Astrofísica hoy en día.
Utilizando el observatorio espacial Herschel de la Agencia Espacial
Europea, ESA, el consorcio internacional DUNES tiene como objetivo
descubrir y estudiar discos de polvo alrededor de estrellas semejantes
al cinturón de Kuiper en el sistema solar. DUNES ha encontrado unos
misteriosos cinturones de polvo, alrededor de seis estrellas
semejantes al Sol, diferentes de cualquier cosa conocida
previamente. Se cumple, una vez más, la regla no escrita en ciencia de
encontrarnos con situaciones totalmente inesperadas.
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid © 2008 · Ciudad Universitaria de Cantoblanco · 28049 Madrid · Phone: +34 91 497 51 00 · e-mail: informacion.general@uam