The Universe is filled with an immeasurable number of galaxies that themselves are accumulations of billions of stars. Understanding how these 'islands in the universe’ formed and evolved and how they are distributed throughout the Universe is central to the field of Cosmology. Luckily, we now live in an era where both ground-‐ and space-‐based telescopes are being designed to study the Universe out to unprecedented distances, peering back billions of years to when the Universe was an infant. But the interpretation of these data requires theoretical models. As such, astronomers generate model universes, where galaxies are simulated, which may act as a test bed for the assessment of theories. However, such virtual universes are computationally expensive, numerically challenging, and often lack the sheer number and details of the galaxies we observe.
The Hyper-Kamiokande project is in the official road map of the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)
Luis Enrique Ibáñez has been awarded with the “Miguel Catalán award 2016” for his outstanding scientific career in theoretical physics.
José Manuel Sánchez Ron has been awarded with the “Julian Marías award 2016” for his outstanding scientific career in humanities.
LACEGAL (March 2017-Feb 2021) is a Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) lead by the ICC at the University of Durham with participation from other 9 EU institutions (including UAM, Spain) and 6 non-EU countries (Argentina, Chile, Brasil, Colombia, Mexico, China).
The CMS Collaboration working at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) has released its latest results on the measurement of the Higgs boson mass.
Un equipo internacional liderado por astrofísicos de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid descubre actividad de cometas en la estrella Φ-Leo
A new H2020 ITN (Innovative Training Network) project named Elusives ( and a new RISE (H2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange) project named InvisiblesPlus ( have been approved in the last months and are now fully operational.
Alexander Knebe ha sido entrevistado por El Pais sobre 'the missing baryon problem'
En el marco del programa internacional Invisibles, enfocado en dos ámbitos descollantes de la investigación en física y cosmología, los neutrinos y la materia oscura, y desarrollado en el Museo Thyssen, el encuentro Miradas cruzadas: arte y ciencia, celebra sesiones y debates abiertos al público.
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