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Departamento de Física TeóricaDepartamento de Física Teórica


The Experimental High Energy Physics Group was founded in 1985 under the auspices of the ``Plan Movilizador de Altas Energias''. The Group started as a member of the TASSO Collaboration, which originally
was made up of groups from Aachen, Bonn, Bristol, DESY, Hamburg,
Imperial College, Oxford, the Rutherford Laboratory, Siegen, the Weizmann Institute and Wisconsin. We worked on the data analysis of hadronic and leptonic final states produced at the e^+ e^- storage ring PETRA at DESY (Hamburg, Germany). We studied QCD effects
in the multihadronic final states at centre of mass energies up to 45 GeV as well as electroweak tests in muon pair production and Bhabha scattering. Once TASSO stopped data taking, the group became one of the founding members of the ZEUS collaboration, one of the two multipurpose experiments approved  to take data at the HERA collider. The ZEUS detector was built by a group of some 50 Universities accross Europe, America and Japan. HERA was designed to collide electrons or positrons with an energy of approximately 30 GeV with protons with an energy of 820 GeV, later on upgraded to 900 GeV. Thus,  HERA was intended to shed light on both the structure of the proton and related QCD effects and the electroweak unification in a space-like region complementary to thatinvestigated by LEP. Our contributions to the construction of ZEUS covered both mechanics and electronics, with a total expenditure of 1.5 Meuros, roughly 2 % of the total cost of the
ZEUS detector.  On the mechanical side we built at the UAM:

  • Wave Length Shifter light guides together with their case supports for the first sampling of the depleted uranium/scintillator forward and rear hadronic calorimeters (2K pieces in total).
  • The Forward Tracking Detector consisting of 3 planar drift chambers (each of them with three layers making a total of 5K sense and another 5K potential wires)
  • The absorbers for the forward plug calorimeter, lead plates with precision drilled holes for fiber read out.

On the electronics side we co-designed, supervised and tested the production of

  • Photomultiplier bases for the DU/Sci calorimeter, 4K of them.
  • The CAMAC and VME High Voltage controllers, 300 boards
  • The HV distributions boards, 500 of them
  • The data distribution boards, 500 of them
  • Shaper-amplifiers for the Hadron Electron Separator (HES) inserted at shower maximum in the EM section of the DU/Sci forward calorimeter, 10K pieces Analog Boards for the HES

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid © 2008 · Ciudad Universitaria de Cantoblanco · 28049 Madrid · Phone: +34 91 497 51 00 · e-mail: informacion.general@uam