Directions to reach the Department from Tres Cantos and Alcobendas.
BUSA few bus lines operate between Tres Cantos, Alcobendas and the University. From Tres Cantos you can take 827 bus towards Alcobendas to reach the campus. And from Alcobendas you can take the lines 828, 827A and 827 (towards Tres Cantos). These lines have an approximate frequency of 20 minutes during lective hours.
SUBURBAN TRAINBoth Tres Cantos and Alcobendas have train stations connected with the University. From them you can take the line C-4b and C-4a (respectively) which stops in the station "Cantoblanco Universidad", located within the campus. The journey lasts around 10 minutes in both cases.
CARFrom Tres Cantos you must take the M-607 highway, which has an indicated exit to the University. Similarly, from Alcobendas it is possible to take the M-603.
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid © 2008 · Ciudad Universitaria de Cantoblanco · 28049 Madrid · Phone: +34 91 497 51 00 · e-mail: informacion.general@uam