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Departamento de Física TeóricaDepartamento de Física Teórica

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General Description

The main objective of this Master is to provide an academic training specializing in

  Astronomy, Astrophysics & Cosmology

alongside an introduction into scientific research. The program naturally leads to PhD studies, also offered within the Astrophysics Group.


Applications for admission will be received via the UAM Centro de Estudios de Posgrado: Application Process Master UAM


The Department of Theoretical Physics and the IFT (UAM/CSIC) offer “Campus de Excelencia Internaciona” scholarships covering the tuition fee for the master program in Theoretical Physics “2016-17. For the specialty “Astrophysics and Physics of the Cosmos” are two scholarships available.
All students enrolled in the Master in Theoretical Physics in the academic course 2016-17 will be considered in the selection process for those scholarships, there is no need to submit an additional application for those scholarships. Please find details of the call in the right hand side menu (Convocatoria ayudas FT 2016-17).
You can find the resolution of the "Campus de Excelencia Internacional" scholarships 2016-17 in the download área on the right hand side.
trabajo fin de máster curso 2015-16
you can find the  two  calls for the TFM presentations for this speciality in the download área.

The training received during the Master is equivalent to that of the most demanding European schools, and is similar to that obtained in the postgraduate programs of prestigious North American universities. The skills acquired upon completion of the Master are valuable in competing for jobs of a diverse nature, both in the academic or scientific domain and in applied research in such diverse fields as Economics, IT and Communication technologies, Medicine and many others.













The graduates of the Master will have received training in a wide variety of professional tasks such as...


·         undertaking scientific research

·         working in research institutes and astronomic observatories

·         undertaking tasks in secondary teaching

·         pursuing a career (either in or outside of academia)


...and been taught multi-disciplinary subjects including...


·         astronomy & astrophysics

·         cosmology

·         physics

·         mathematics

·         statistics

·         computer science: software and hardware development

·         project management

·         space sciences

·         engineering



amongst many others.
















For a detailed list of the offered courses and more information about the enrollment procedure, the teachers, possible scholarships, etc. please refer to the actual website of the MSc




or get in touch with the coordinator of the master:





Universidad Autónoma de Madrid © 2008 · Ciudad Universitaria de Cantoblanco · 28049 Madrid · Phone: +34 91 497 51 00 · e-mail: informacion.general@uam