The LHC is a particle accelerator (or particle accelerator and collider) with a length of 27 km, located at CERN, on the border between France and Switzerland near Geneva. After being accelerated to high energies, the particle beams are allowed to collide and the new resulting particles are “collected” and identified. It was designed to collide hadron beams, in particular protons with energy of 7 TeV. Its main goal is to explore the validity and limits of the Standard Model of particle physics and the breaking of its symmetries, through the discovery of the Higgs particle and its properties, and possibly other new particles. After a false start, the
particle beams were switched on again in October 2009, and the data to be obtained over the next decade may be essential to understand the origin of all mass in nature and to the putative discovery of new fundamental physics laws. ATLAS is one of the two main detectors which will collect the results of particle collisions in the LHC. The departmental activity in ATLAS focuses on two aspects: first, the development and operation for a particle detector essential to the experiment -the liquid argon electromagnetic calorimeter, partially built in the UAM- and secondly the preparation of physics analysis such as those oriented to
the detection of heavy Z’s, decays of the Higgs particle into four leptons and studies of the top quark.
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