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Personal Docente e Investigador

Pretel David

Pretel, David

Ayudante Doctor de Historia e Instituciones Económicas, Dpto. Análisis Económico: Teoría Económica e Historia Económica
Módulo E-2 / Despacho 314
91 497 2893
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Resumen curriculum vitae

David Pretel is a professor of economic history at Autonomous University of Madrid and has been visiting scholar at the universities of Harvard, Cambridge, UCLA, and the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science. He was educated in Madrid and Cambridge and has held teaching and research positions at the European University Institute, El Colegio de México, and Pompeu Fabra University. His first book, Institutionalising Patents in Nineteenth-Century Spain (Palgrave), examined the development of the Spanish patent system, providing a fundamental reassessment of its evolution in an international and imperial context. He is co-editor of the volumes The Caribbean and the Atlantic World Economy, 1650–1914 (Cambridge Imperial and Post-Colonial Studies series), Technology and Globalization: Networks of Experts in World History (Palgrave) and The Colours of Globalization: A History of the Natural Dyes of the Americas (forthcoming with Bloomsbury). His writings have appeared in journals such as Technology & Culture, Global Environment and Historia Mexicana and volumes such as The Oxford Handbook of Commodity History. His works and other details can be found on his website:


Áreas de especialización

Latin American History; History of Technology; History of Capitalism; Global History; Environmental History.

Grupos de Investigación


Lineas de investigación


Asignaturas impartidas

Global Environmental History; History of Technology in Latina America (PhD course); Slavery and the Atlantic World (MA course); Contemporary History; World Economic History; History of Economic Thought; Supervision of doctoral and master students.


(selección / selection)

David Pretel: “Hidden Connections: The Global History of Jungle Commodities”, Technology & Culture, Vol. 64, No.1 (January 2023), pp. 202-129.

David Pretel: Institutionalising Patents in Nineteenth-Century Spain (London: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2018), 169 pp.

Carlos Marichal and David Pretel (eds.): The Colours of Globalisation: A History of the Natural Dyes of the Americas, 1500-2000 (Bloomsbury, forthcoming, 2023).

David Pretel: “Towards a Technological History of Commodities”, in Stubbs, J., Clarence-Smith, W.G., Curry-Machado, J. and Vos, J., Oxford Handbook of Commodity History (Oxford University Press, 2023).

David Pretel: “Capitalismo y esclavitud: nuevas historias, viejos debates”, Ayer -Revista de Historia Contemporánea, 126 (2), (2022), pp. 331-345.

David Pretel: “Latin America and the Emergence of an International Patent System”, Artefact. Techniques, histoire et sciences humaines, no. 16 (2022), pp. 269-287.

David Pretel: “The Maya Forest and Indigenous Resistance during the Caste War”, Global Environment: A Journal of Transdisciplinary History, 14:1 (2021), pp. 120–145.

David Pretel: “Reacciones en cadena: cambio tecnológico global y frontera forestal en la península de Yucatán (c. 1850 - 1950)”, Historia Mexicana, no. 276 (2020), pp. 259-311.

David Pretel: "Technology and the Fates of Three Caribbean Commodities", History of Technology, Vol. 34, no.1 (2019), pp.127-148.

Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales  · C/ Francisco Tomás y Valiente, 5 · Universidad Autónoma de Madrid · 28049 Madrid · España