Áreas de especialización
- Marketing del entretenimiento
- Prevención de adicciones
- Comunicación Comercial
- Investigación de la opinión pública
- Redondo I., & Serrano D. (2024). Authorized and unauthorized consumption of SVOD content: Modeling determinants of demand and measuring effects of enforcing access control. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, 19(1), 467–485.
- Redondo, I., & Serrano, D. (2023). Giants with Feet of Clay? An Inquiry into User Payment Patterns for Subscription Video-on-Demand Services. Administrative Sciences, 13(5):122.
- Redondo, I., & Aznar, G. (2023). Whitelist or leave our website! Advances in the understanding of user response to anti-ad-blockers. Informatics, 10(1), 30.
- Redondo, I., & Aznar, G. (2021). Responses to anti-adblock filters: theoretical foundations, influential factors, and managerial implications. Journal of Business Economics and Management, 22(1), 42–60.
- Redondo, I., & Bernal, J. (2020). How in-film product placement stimulates fast food consumption in developing countries, Interciencia, 45(1), 28–35.
- Redondo, I., & Aznar, G. (2018). To use or not to use ad blockers? The roles of knowledge of ad blockers and attitude toward online advertising, Telematics and Informatics, 35, 1607–1616.
- Redondo, I., Russell, C.A., & Bernal, J. (2018). To brand or not to brand a product placement? Evidence from a field study of two influence mechanisms of positive portrayals of alcohol in film, Drug and Alcohol Review, 37, S366–S374.
- Redondo, I.,& Puelles, M. (2017). The connection between environmental attitude-behavior gap and other individual inconsistencies: A call for strengthening self-control, International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 26, 107–120.
- Redondo, I., & Bernal, J. (2016). Product placement vs. conventional advertising: The impact on brand choice of integrating promotional stimuli into movies. Journal of Promotion Management, 22, 773–791.
- Redondo, I. (2015). Assessing the risks associated with online lottery and casino gambling: A comparative analysis of players’ individual characteristics and types of gambling. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 13, 584–596.
- Redondo, I. & Charron, J.-P. (2013). The payment dilemma in movie and music downloads: An explanation through cognitive dissonance theory, Computers in Human Behavior, 29, 2037–2046.
- Redondo, I. (2012). The behavioral effects of negative product placements in movies, Psychology and Marketing, 29, 622–635.
- Redondo, I. (2012). The effectiveness of casual advergames on adolescents’ brand attitudes, European Journal of Marketing, 46, 1671-1688.
- Redondo, I. (2012). Assessing the appropriateness of movies as vehicles for promoting tourist destinations, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 29, 714–729.
- Redondo, I. & Holbrook, M. B. (2010). Modeling the appeal of movie features to demographic segments of theatrical demand, Journal of Cultural Economics, 34, 299–315.
Todas las publicaciones pueden ser consultadas en Dialnet, Scopus y Google Scholar.