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Personal Docente e Investigador

Campo Martínez Sara

Campo Martínez, Sara

Catedrática, Dpto. de Financiación e Investigación Comercial: UDI de Marketing
Módulo 16, despacho 310
(34) 91 497 35 49
Resumen curriculum vitae

Doctora en Ciencias Económicas: Área Empresas por la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Licenciada en Investigación y Técnicas de Mercado por la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

Participa en la docencia/gestión de asignaturas de marketing en el Grado Oficial en Turismo, en el doble grado en Derecho y Administración y Dirección de Empresa y en el Master en Dirección de Marketing de la UAM. Compagina la actividad docente con la dirección de tesis doctorales y trabajos de investigación relacionados con el marketing turístico. Dirige proyectos de investigación competitivos y es activa en la publicación de trabajos de investigación en revistas de reconocido prestigio internacional.


Áreas de especialización
  • Marketing Turístico
  • Gestión de la imagen del destino
  • Sostenibilidad y turismo



  • Campo, S. Rubio, N. & Yagüe, M.J. (2010): “Information technology use and performance: The importance of information integration in supply chain management”, Journal of Business to Business Marketing. In press
  • Campo, S. & Garau, J. (2010): "The generation of tourism destination satisfaction", Tourism Economics, March-June, in press. 
  • Campo, S., Garau, J. & Martínez, M.P. (2009): “Factors influencing repeat visits to a destination: The influence of group composition”, Tourism Management, in press.
  • Campo, S. & Yagüe, M.J. (2009): "Análisis de la influencia del precio en la formación de la satisfacción: Una aplicación al mercado turístico", Revista Española de Investigación de Marketing, Vol. 13 (2), pp. 31-52. 
  • Campo, S. & Yagüe, M.J. (2009): "Exploring non-linear effects of determinants on tourist satisfaction". The International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, Vol. 3 (2): 127-138. 
  • Campo, S. & Yagüe, M. J. (2008): "Effects of price on the tourist satisfaction". Tourism Economics, Vol. 14 (3): 657-661. 
  • Campo, S. & Yagüe, M. J. (2008): "Tourist loyalty to tour operator: Effects of price promotions and tourist effort". Journal of Travel Research, Vol. 46 (February): 318-326. 
  • Campo, S. & Garau, J. (2008): "The influence of nationality on the generation of tourist satisfaction with a destination". Tourism Analysis, Vol. 13 (1): 81-92. 
  • Campo, S. & Yagüe, M. J. (2007): "The effect of price promotions on the perceived price". International Journal of Services Industry Management, Vol. 18 (3): 269-286. 
  • Campo, S. & Yagüe, M. J. (2007): "The formation of the tourist's loyalty to the tourism distribution channel: How does it affect price discounts". International Journal of Tourism Research, Vol. 9: 453-464. 
  • Campo, S. & Yagüe, M. J. (2007): "The perception of price discounts according to consumer's characteristics". Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management, Vol. 6(2): 86-99. 
  • Campo, S. & Yagüe, M. J. (2006): "Can price promotions improve tourist loyalty to tour operators?". Journal of Hospitality & Leisure Marketing, Vol. 14 (4): 33-46.
  • Jiménez-Barreto, J., Rubio, N., Mura, P., Sthapit, E., & Campo, S. (2023). “Ask Google Assistant Where to Travel” Tourists’ Interactive Experiences With Smart Speakers: An Assemblage Theory Approach. Journal of Travel Research, 62(4), 734–752.
  • Campo, S., & Alvarez, M. D. (2022). Animosity based on traditional enmity versus other causes. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 34(3), 524-542. doi:
  • Jiménez-Barreto, J.; Gutiérrez-Taño, D.; Díaz-Armas, R. & Campo, S. (2022): Residents’ fresh start mindset and attitudes towards tourism after a natural disaster: the case of the volcano in La Palma, Current Issues in Tourism, DOI: 10.1080/13683500.2022.2147269
  • Jiménez-Barreto, J., Rubio, N., Campo, S. & Molinillo, S (2020): “Linking the online destination brand experience and brand credibility with tourists’ behavioral intentions toward a destination”, Tourism Management, 79, 104101.  
  • Jiménez-Barreto, J., Rubio, N. & Campo, S. (2020): Destination brand authenticity: What an experiential simulacrum! A multigroup analysis of its antecedents and outcomes through official online platforms, Tourism Management, 77, 104022.
  • Alvarez, M.D. & Campo, S. (2020): Consumer animosity and its influence on visiting decisions of US citizens, Current Issues in Tourism, 23 (9), 1166-1180.
  • Campo, S. & Alvarez, M.D. (2019): Animosity toward a country in the context of destinations as tourism products, Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 43 (7), 1002-1024.
  • Berrozpe, A., Campo, S. & Yagüe, M.J. (2019): Am I Ibiza? Measuring brand identification in the tourism context, Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 11, 240-250.
  • Sánchez, M., Campo, S. & Alvarez, M.D. (2018): The effect of animosity on the intention to visit tourist destinations, Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, Vol. 7, pp. 182-189.
  • Okazaki, S., Campo, S., Andreu, L. & Romero, J. (2015): “A latent class analysis of Spanish Travelers´mobile Internet usage in travel planning and execution”, Cornell Hospitality Quartely, 56 (2): 191-201. DOI: 10.117/1938965514540206.
  • Alvarez, M.D. & Campo, S. (2014): “The influence of political conflicts on country image and intention to visit. A study of Israel`s image”, Tourism Management, Vol. 40, pp. 70-78.
  • Campo, S., Díaz, A.M. & Yagüe, M.J. (2014): “Market Orientation in mid-range service, urban hotels: How to apply the MKTOR instrument”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Vol. 3, pp. 76-86.

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Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales  · C/ Francisco Tomás y Valiente, 5 · Universidad Autónoma de Madrid · 28049 Madrid · España