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Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y EmpresarialesFacultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales

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Teaching and Research Staff

Méndez García de Paredes, José Luis

Profesor Titular
Módulo 16 - Despacho 301
(34) 91 497 35 45
Resume CV

Profesor Titular (Associate Professor) at the UAM since 2005, I have worked with the Department of Finance and Commercial Research since 1990, first as a research assistant and then as Profesor Ayudante (Teaching Assistant) and Profesor Asociado (Assistant Professor). I am currently Deputy Head of the Department and Director of the TRU for Marketing.

I received my PhD from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid in 1998, with primary specialization in the area of distribution channels, focusing on competition in retail markets and store brands. At present, I am working on issues related to price.
My research has been published in specialized journals at both national and international level, and I have participated in various national and international congresses.

As a member of the Department, I have participated in research projects financed by the Ministry of Education and Science, as well as projects developed through research agreements with public and private organisms.

I teach in the undergraduate degree programmes for Business Administration & Management (BAM) and Law and BAM, as well as the undergraduate degree programme on Research & Technologies of Market. I also teach in several Master’s degree programmes related to Commercial Distribution.


Areas of experience

  • Store brands
  • Unit price
  • Brand choice


  • “Expert quality evaluation and price of store VS manufacturer brands. An analysis of the Spanish mass market”. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. Vol. 15 (3), pp. 144-155. 2008. Méndez, J. L.; Oubiña, J. y Rubio, N.
  • “Explanatory factors regarding manufacturer brand price consistency”. Journal of Product and Brand Management. Vol. 15 (6), pp. 402-411. 2006. Méndez, J. L.; Oubiña, J. y Rubio, N.
  • “Price-quality and market share of consumer goods in Spain: Retail brands and manufacturer brands”. The international Review of Retail Distribution and Consumer Research. Vol. 14 (2). 2004 (abril). Méndez, J. L.; Medina, O. y Rubio, N. Páginas 199-222.
  • “Opciones estratégicas de las marcas de distribuidor en Europa: Especial consideración al caso de Suiza, Alemania y Reino Unido”. Alta Dirección. Nº 229. (Mayo-Junio). 2003. Méndez, J. L.; Oubiña, J. y Rozano, M. Páginas 186-196.
  • “Análisis de las fuentes de información sobre consumo”. Estudios sobre Consumo. Nº 61. 2002. Méndez, J.L.; Alonso, J. Fernández, A. y Oubiña, J. Páginas 95-114.
  • “La cadena de valor alimentaria. Una aplicación del modelo de núcleo competitivo de Porter”. Revista Europea de Dirección y Economía de la Empresa. Vol. 11 (2). 2002. Méndez, J. L. Páginas141-159.
  • “La relación precio-calidad en los mercados de gran consumo. Un análisis comparativo entre las marcas de distribuidor y las marcas de fabricante”. Información Comercial Española (ICE). Nº 801. (Agosto-Septiembre). 2002. Méndez, J. L.; Medina, O. y Rubio, N. Páginas 181-204.

The full text of these articles can be obtained from the meta search engine that the UAM provides for its employees and students. The metabuscador can be accessed from off campus through VPN remote access.

The publications in Spanish can be consulted (and in some cases downloaded) on Dialnet.

Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales  · C/ Francisco Tomás y Valiente, 5 · Universidad Autónoma de Madrid · 28049 Madrid · España