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Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y EmpresarialesFacultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales

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Teaching and Research Staff

Campo Martínez Sara

Campo Martínez, Sara

Profesora Titular
Módulo 16, despacho 310
(34) 91 497 35 49
Resume CV

She holds a PhD in Economics & Business from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, where she also earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Research & Technologies of Market.

Since 1999, she has taught and held research positions in the Department of Finance and Commercial Research of the Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. In 2010, she was appointed Profesora Titular (Associate Professor).

She currently teaches subjects in marketing in the UAM’s official undergraduate degree programme in Tourism and its Master’s in Marketing Management. In addition to teaching, she coordinates internships for the Master’s in Marketing Management and directs doctoral theses and research projects related to tourist marketing.


Areas of experience
  • Tourist market
  • Tourist satisfaction and loyalty
  • Application of new technologies to tourist services
  • Country image and tourist destination


  • Campo, S. Rubio, N. & Yagüe, M.J. (2010): “Information technology use and performance: The importance of information integration in supply chain management”, Journal of Business to Business Marketing. In press
  • Campo, S. & Garau, J. (2010): "The generation of tourism destination satisfaction", Tourism Economics, March-June, in press. 
  • Campo, S., Garau, J. & Martínez, M.P. (2009): “Factors influencing repeat visits to a destination: The influence of group composition”, Tourism Management, in press.
  • Campo, S. & Yagüe, M.J. (2009): "Análisis de la influencia del precio en la formación de la satisfacción: Una aplicación al mercado turístico", Revista Española de Investigación de Marketing, Vol. 13 (2), pp. 31-52. 
  • Campo, S. & Yagüe, M.J. (2009): "Exploring non-linear effects of determinants on tourits' satisfaction". The International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, Vol. 3 (2): 127-138. 
  • Campo, S. & Yagüe, M. J. (2008): "Effects of price on the tourist satisfaction". Tourism Economics, Vol. 14 (3): 657-661. 
  • Campo, S. & Yagüe, M. J. (2008): "Tourist loyalty to tour operator: Effects of price promotions and tourist effort". Journal of Travel Research, Vol. 46 (February): 318-326. 
  • Campo, S. & Garau, J. (2008): "The influence of nationality on the generation of tourist satisfaction with a destination". Tourism Analysis, Vol. 13 (1): 81-92. 
  • Campo, S. & Yagüe, M. J. (2007): "The effect of price promotions on the perceived price". International Journal of Services Industry Management, Vol. 18 (3): 269-286. 
  • Campo, S. & Yagüe, M. J. (2007): "The formation of the tourist's loyalty to the tourism distribution channel: How does it affect price discounts". International Journal of Tourism Research, Vol. 9: 453-464. 
  • Campo, S. & Yagüe, M. J. (2007): "The perception of price discounts according to consumer's characteristics". Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management, Vol. 6(2): 86-99. 
  • Campo, S. & Yagüe, M. J. (2006): "Can price promotions improve tourist loyalty to tour operators?". Journal of Hospitality & Leisure Marketing, Vol. 14 (4): 33-46.

The full text of these articles can be obtained from the meta search engine that the UAM provides for its employees and students. The metabuscador can be accessed from off campus through VPN remote access.

The publications in Spanish can be consulted (and in some cases downloaded) on Dialnet.

Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales  · C/ Francisco Tomás y Valiente, 5 · Universidad Autónoma de Madrid · 28049 Madrid · España