Aging population is a global societal challenge, and therefore it is crucial to explore the innovative use of technology to enhance the wellbeing of this population. This presentation highlights Norway's commitment to leveraging assistive technologies among older adults. Dr. Bong will talk about assistive technologies (Norwegian: Velferdsteknologi) used in Norway and his own research project about a Tangible Cup attempting to make older adults more socially active via the use of ICT. Profesor EPS proponente: Javier Gómez Escribano
Curriculum ponente
Dr. Bong Way Kiat serves as an esteemed Associate Professor at Oslo Metropolitan University in Norway, bringing extensive knowledge in Universal Design of ICT, Human-Computer Interaction, and Inclusive Education. His research currently focuses on Tangible User Interfaces, accessibility and usability in digital solutions for Health, and assistive technology. He has earned awards such as the best paper award at the International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health in both 2021 and 2024. Additionally, he was recognized as a young researcher at the Young Researcher Consortium at the International Conference on Computers for Handicapped Persons (ICCHP) in Austria in 2018. Dr. Bong has authored and co-authored over 34 publications, including journals, book chapters, and conference proceedings, and has reviewed numerous papers for prominent conferences and journals like INTERACT, ISCRAM, CHI Conference, NordiCHI, Universal Access in the Information Society, International Journal of HCI, Behavior & Information Technology, Human Factors & Ergonomics, Healthcare, and Gerontechnology.
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