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Admission Profile

Admission Profile and Supplementary Training

  • Student Profile: recommended profiles to access this Doctorate Program are those of graduate students in Computer Science, Telecommunication or similar degrees (Physical Sciences, Mathematics, Industrial Engineering, etc.) that have completed at least 60 credits of Master studies related to the thematic area of the Doctorate Program. Of those 60 credits, 24 at least must be of research nature at the Research Academic Committee discretion. An advanced knowledge of information and communication technologies is required, as well as high-medium English level (B2). 
  • Supplementary Training: Supplementary Training is aimed for those students which don’t fulfil the admission profile but that, at the Academic Committee discretion, could fulfil it by studying a maximum of 30 ECTS; and for those cases in which, while fulfilling the admission profile, the Academic Committee considers that a supplementary training is needed.

    The supplementary training will correspond preferably to research oriented subjects from some of the official masters of the EPS-UAM (i2TIC, Computer Engineering, and the ones that could be approved in the future: telecommunication, etc., - visit link -), as well as from others official masters related to the thematic of the Doctorate Program at the Academic Committee discretion. The specific supplementary training will be considered at a doctorate level and will be carried out at public prices. This training must be finished within the first year after the admission in the program. The time spent in this training will not be taken into account in what respects to the 3 years-limit from the date of the student admission in the program to the dissertation of the doctoral thesis as stated in Article 3.2 of the RD99/2011.
    In all cases, the Academic Committee will considerate individually each one of the applications for admission, and in accordance with the thematic and with the student’s previous knowledge, it will ask him to complete his training if deemed necessary.


Coordinador del Programa de Posgrado:
Miguel Ángel García


Datos de contacto


Asuntos administrativos

Escuela Politécnica Superior | Universidad Autónoma de Madrid | Francisco Tomás y Valiente, 11 | 28049 Madrid | Tel.: +34 91 497 2222 | e-mail: informacion.eps@uam.es